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Re:Learning Parties
Hello I'd like to learn more of the Italian language. Listening to some videos in Italian . Read some.
Language pair: Italian; French
Sadie A.
May 16, 2022
# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 16, 2022
Learning Parties
Mi chiamo Antonio. insegno Italiano per stranieri e Francese. Ho un video di presentazione su youtube. Chiave di ricerca Antonio Aucello Tutor. Organizzo anche quelle che chiamo "Feste dell'Apprendimento" , eventi online che permettono di imparare insieme e crescere personalmente. Per esprimersi ed imparare insieme ho deciso di aprire a tutti la "notte dei talenti" che si terrà il 19 ed il 20 Dicembre dalle 15:00 alle 17:00 su zoom. Io avrò l'onore di presentare tutte le performance. Per saperne di più e partecipare contattami subito! Condivido con voi che Vorrei iniziare ad avere delle classi piuttosto che studenti singoli, e che vorrei continuare ad organizzare feste dell'apprendimento aperte a tutti. Spero di poter continuare con voi ed esprimo gratitudine.
My name is Antonio. I teach Italian and French. My video presentation is on YouTube: key search Antonio Aucello Tutor. I propose my students to join what I call “learning parties” to learn creatively and challenge themselves for their personal growth. Concentration, confidence and creativity, these are the key concepts of the method. I decided to give everyone the opportunity to join these events. The Talents Night will be held on zoom on December 19th and 20th from 3 to 5 pm. I will have the honor to present the performances. To know more and join please contact me now! I also share with you that I’d like to teach groups of students and not only individually. Plus keep organising free learning parties. I hope to continue with you and I express gratitude.
Language pair: Italian; French
Antonio A.
December 4, 2020
# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 16, 2022
Your Italian for My Japanese /English in Venice
C'è qualcuno a Venezia interessato ad imparare il giapponese quest'estate? I am a Japanese musician based in the U.S. planning to spend the first two weeks of this coming July in Venice. I am looking for a Venezian who can teach me Italian as I teach you Japanese (and English) in the morning. I know basic Italian as I studied it for a few years in college and lived in Sicily for a brief period. I've been translating and writing professionally in both Japanese and English for years and have some experience teaching Japanese as a foreign language. Hoping to see you!
Language pair: Japanese; Italian
Dani K.
February 7, 2019
# Msgs: 1
Valentina P.
November 7, 2015
# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 7, 2015
Re:my Italian for your English!
Hey, unfortunately I do not speak fluent English but I would love to learn Italian. I'm from Germany and trying to learn Italian since around 1 year. But it's not that good haha.
Language pair: Italian; English
Im K.
October 28, 2015
# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 7, 2015
my Italian for your English!
I'm Giusy from Italy and it's two months I'm in Bath try to improve my English. Is there somebody that can help me and maybe live in Bath or near so we can meet ? I can help with Italian for who is interested.... Thanks
Language pair: Italian; English
Giusy R.
October 10, 2015
# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 7, 2015
Looking for a bangla teacher
Hi, i'm italian and i'm looking for learn bengali. Can someone help me? My mother tongue is Italian. Also my english and my french are not bad...
Language pair: Italian; Bengali
September 27, 2014
# Msgs: 1
September 5, 2013
# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 5, 2013
Practicing Roman history
Hi, everyone! I have a good friend he is a soon to be professional tour guide about the Rome. He is such an interesting person. When we take an eve walk around the center of the Rome he could tell me a story about every single detail of environment. A university stuff he is a very well educated person. His knowledge of Italian, Korean, German, Russian, Hindi, English are always make me going crazy about human abilities!!! At the moment he is seeking for a german natively speaking person to improve his skills in German. It would be better if it's voice chat or some form of voice conversation because it's the only form of conversation for a guide))) I would appreciate any help! Have a nice day!
Language pair: Italian; German
Alexander K.
April 24, 2013
# Msgs: 1
My italian for your english
Hi i teach italian for english. I want to learn english because i study chemical-engineering and a lot of my books are in english. I already watch movies in English with subtitles in Italian, but I would like to improve writinG. P.s. va bene anche una persona italiana disposta ad esercitarsi.
Language pair: Italian; English
March 21, 2013
# Msgs: 1