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Добрый день! Охотно помогу с русским языком в обмен на польский: грамматика, переводы, живое общение.
Language pair: Russian; Polish
November 13, 2018
# Msgs: 1
Spreche mit Ich
Hello! Willst du Deutsch sprechen mit ich? Ich spreche Fransözich, English, Deutsch, Polnisch und Italnisch. Ich will Deutsch lernen. Ich suche ein person für sprechen diese spräche mit mich. Ich gegehe nach Stuttgart für ein Studienreise.
Language pair: Polish; German
Saschelsa S.
July 1, 2018
# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 30, 2018
Please proofread my short English to Polish translation
Here's what I'm trying to say:
My mother's parents were Polish, so even though I don't speak the language, I have it "in my ear." It's a rare language for singing.
And here's how I've translated it:
Rodzice mojej matki były polski, więc nawet jeśli nie znasz języka, znam jego brzmienie. To rzadki język do śpiewania.
Thanks for your help!
Language pair: English; Polish
May 26, 2015
# Msgs: 1
Birthday Messages in Polish
I would like to know how to say 'Happy 16th Birthday' in Polish. Any other phrases similar to that one would be helpful but if you know how to say 'Happy 16th Birthday' please would you let me know? Thanks.
Language pair: Polish;
Merilyn A.
January 2, 2015
# Msgs: 1
I can help you learn polish!
Did you know that in Polish there are plenty of varieties of numbers? E.g.: in english there are two possibilities in polish there are something about 17 possibilities. Nice right? I can help with you with polish!
Language pair: Polish; English
October 31, 2014
# Msgs: 1
Text me :)
Hi I'm Ania and I'm looking for someone to be penpals with in emailing :) I really want to practise English in exchange i can help you with Polish:)
Language pair: English; Polish
May 1, 2014
# Msgs: 1
Re:What is difference beatween
"Have got" is not really more formal. People use both forms all the time (for possession and obligation). Both are correct: I have a headache. I've got a headache Both are correct: I have to do my homework. I've got to do my homework. The only thing you need to remember is that "have got" is usually used in the present tense, "have" can be used in past and future tenses. So, we can say: When I was a child I had a toy car. We don't normally say: When I was a child I had got a toy car.
Language pair: Polish; English
Robert M.
December 28, 2013
# Msgs: 3
Latest: December 28, 2013
December 16, 2013
# Msgs: 3
Latest: December 28, 2013
Szukam kogo¶ do pisania na priv
I'm new here and write a little English, but I want to teach him that can help: (? It instead teaches Polish! I have 24 years Please, speak up
Language pair: Polish; English
April 7, 2013
# Msgs: 1
fatima m.
January 16, 2013
# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 16, 2013