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Language > German
Category > Vacations/Travels

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Re:Prcaticing English, German and learning Italian
I have very little Russian, and I don't expect to learn much, but I can help with either English or German if you wish. Just send me a mail.

Language pair: English; German
Bob D.
December 5, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 5, 2007
Prcaticing English, German and learning Italian
Hello, I'm Svetlana from Russia, 32. I'd like to practice English and German and learn Italian. I can help you with Russian. We can exchange ideas about travelling, what and where to go and see.

Language pair: English; German
November 26, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 5, 2007
Re:Ferien in Chile/Argentinien
hallo, mine name ist Marcelo, ich bin chilenische kunstler und mochten lernen deutsch

Language pair: German; Spanish
Marcelo A.
October 26, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 26, 2007
Ferien in Chile/Argentinien
Quieres aprender aleman? I want to learn Spanish.
Tengo 35 anos y soy alemana.
Ich plane eine Reise nach Patagonien und evtl. Feuerland.
Ich freue mich auf dein Mail.

Language pair: German; Spanish
Cheisy M.
June 5, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 26, 2007
Hi Valeria, are you italian? I'm interesting in english exchange... what about you?

Language pair: German; English
Michele D.
May 30, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:learn Hindi and Know India
Hello, My name is julie live in usa I know english but would like to learn hindi language. would like to be email penpal if you would like i am 32 years old thanks julie

Language pair: Hindi; German
May 28, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: June 10, 2019
learn Hindi and Know India
Hello to all,
I am neil. I am 35 years old and havebeen workingas a Journalist in a Indian Television channel.
I offer you all to teach Hindi as well as know the Indian culture.I can give you the knowledge about Hindi movies too.
I can help you thru e-mail or chatting.
I am likely to visit Bonn, Germany in near future..so persons fo nearby areas can take my help in live too.
I would also like to improve my English and want to learn some basics of German..so may be you can help me.
I am not a gold member but you can contact me through gmail and I will be there as mrjanooji
So hoping to get positive response.
Yours Neil

Language pair: Hindi; German
April 21, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: June 10, 2019
its time to think about vacations 2007 ;)
HI everyone. Iam 20 years old girl and i think it's time to think about something special in this vacations. i have lots of plans... but maybe somebody can halp me :) and give some new ideas for this vacations. the best can be world in 30 days ;) but p[robably it's not so immpossible ;)

Language pair: English; German
April 21, 2007

# Msgs: 1

quiero conocer habalntes de aleman para aprender el idioma
Hola soy Carmen de chile y quiero conocer personas que hablen aleman y quieran aprender español, podemos practicar por msn hotmail
un beso a quien lea este mensaje y hasta la vista.

Language pair: Spanish; German
Carmen V.
February 5, 2007

# Msgs: 1

urlaub im Falkert
GruB Gott!
Entschuldigung fur mein deutsch!
Ich bin Fabio und im Marz, ich fahre zum Falkert in Osterreich. Wer konnen sie mich die auskunft liefern?

Language pair: German; Italian
January 28, 2007

# Msgs: 1

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