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Language > Italian
Category > Vacations/Travels

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Holiday free of charge in Italy
Would you like to spend your holiday in the mountains of Italy with free accommodation in independent flat? We are a couple italian/german, 40/60 years old and would like to improuve our English!

Language pair: Italian; English
Paola G.
May 12, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: June 18, 2007
Required Pen Pals
Hi All,
I'm Maew from Thailand and I will travel to Italy on 13th May 07 and would like to learn some Italian so if anyone interested to assist me or be my penpals, please pop me up here which I'm not gold member and also new for this web anyway I knew that Italian was very hard but i really want to learn some word while i was in there. I live in the Bangkok and can speak english also coz I work in the hotel here thus I would like to help anybody who require more info about thailand or attractive place or any help which it would be appreciated.

Take care & regards,

Language pair: English; Italian
Miao M.
May 7, 2007

# Msgs: 1

looking for scottish hosts
Hi, i dont know if its the right section where to add this message...anyway. I am italian and i'm planning to move to Scotland this summer, but i dont know anyone there...so i was looking for a job on the net but, believe me, its not easy at all...so i think...if you are available to host me as long as i don't find an accomodation, well, all i can give you in return is to teach you italian... see it as a culture exchange (lol).
Anyway,if you have a job to offer me it would be even better, i dont mean to come there and be a parasite XD
So...to make it quick, if u live in any place of Scotland, and would be interested to host an italian boy (18 years old) to learn italian, y not, and wether u can provide me of a job or not, contact me...( i guess its the most stupid message u have ever read, but u know what...to attempt is for free..lol, and i dunno anymore what to do...)i mean to be there from the middle of july on...
P.S and plz, my proposal is serious, so only if u mean to host me to lear italian language and culture and for NOTHING else, contact me, thanks

Language pair: Italian; English
Emmanuele L.
May 1, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Ciao Ipek,
Sono appena tornato dalla Turkia,bellissimo,
Istanbul e tour della cappadoccia.
Firenze e` altretanto bella,e credo
che il tuo Italiano sia a buon livello.

Language pair: Italian; English
March 29, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 30, 2009
Message for greek people
I'm planning to go to Greece and I'm wondering to stay 15 days in an island with my family, I'm thinking of an apartment on the beach... Who can suggest me a nice place to live a great vacation?
Thanks in advance.

Language pair: Greek; Italian
February 6, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Per tutti gli amici di madrelingua inglese, vi offro alcune informazioni su Venezia.
Venezia è un'isola della laguna omonima, attorno ad essa ci sono molte altre piccole ma bellissime isolette, ognuna con una propria particolarità.
Si dice che la laguna di Venezia sia stata abitata a seguito delle invasioni barbariche al tempo dell'impero romano, ma è presumibile invece che esse fossero anche precedentemente abitate. Le abitazioni ed i sontuosi palazzi sono eretti su palafitte conficcate sul fango e questo di per sè risulta essere una particolarità interessantissima, visto che le chiese più antiche sono datate intorno all'anno 1000.

Venice is an island of the homonym lagoon, around it there are a lot of others small but beautiful isles, each with an own particularity.
You says that the lagoon in Venice has been inhabited following the barbaric invasions to the time of the Roman empire, but it is presumable instead that they were previously also inhabited. The residences and the sumptuous buildings are erect on palafitte hammered on the mud and this by itself it results to be an interesting particularity, considering that the most ancient churches are dated around the year 1000.
to be continued...

Language pair: English; Italian
January 28, 2007

# Msgs: 1

urlaub im Falkert
GruB Gott!
Entschuldigung fur mein deutsch!
Ich bin Fabio und im Marz, ich fahre zum Falkert in Osterreich. Wer konnen sie mich die auskunft liefern?

Language pair: German; Italian
January 28, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:I would like to visit Rome, Venice, Pompei
How can I help you fabian with your italian?
Write please on the bolletin board!

Language pair: English; Italian
January 26, 2007

# Msgs: 5
Latest: January 26, 2007
Re:Re:Do you need informations about Venice or Italy?
Venice is so beautifull! You can visit that in every period of the year... but I suggest the spring, from april to june because the climate is good and not humid. From July to semptember too many people along the "calli" (it is a venitian word to intend the streets). If you are romantic, choose november till december. The best prices in january!
If you need some more informations about that, take me a note on Bulletin board, section vacation and travel.
See you.

Venezia è bellissima! Tu puoi visitarla in ogni periodo dell'anno... ma io suggerisco la primavera, da aprile a giugno perchè il clima è buono e non umido. Da luglio a settembre troppe persone lungo le "calli" (è una parola veneziana per intendere le strade. Se sei romantica, scegli novembre fino a dicembre. I migliori prezzi in gennaio!
Se necessiti di maggiori informazioni, lasciami un messaggio sul Bulletin Board alla sezione Vacanze e viaggi.

Language pair: English; Italian
January 19, 2007

# Msgs: 5
Latest: January 26, 2007
Re:Traveling to France & Italy
Hi Jaymee,
Fabio speaking from Italy, nice to meet you!
What are you exatly going to visit about Italy?
Tell me more...
See you.

Salve Jaymee,
sono Fabio dall'Italia, piacere di conoscerti!
Cosa hai intenzione esattamente di visitare dell'Italia?
Dimmi di più...

Language pair: French; Italian
January 14, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 14, 2007
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