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Category > Music/Dance

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Re:music music music
Eros Ramazzotti is a very good italian singer. He is famous and popular in many countries in Europe and around the world.

Language pair: English; All
December 31, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Rock Music!!!
Hello Ayumi !!
I like japanese music vey much. I'm listening Ayumi Hamasaki
I wanna talk anything about Japan.!!!!
Ps. I'm not a gold memeber

Language pair: Japanese; English
M. O.
November 24, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Learning more about music biz in Germany?
ummmm ja möchte ich Ihnen helfen, eglish gegen deutsche Übersetzer zu erlernen bin großes kein lol., aber mein Bruder kennt, ETWAS Deutsches aber kann nicht mich unterrichten, daß so yeah ich lieben würde zu helfen. ok now some german i know is ich comma ous amreekia and ummmm hallo there is more but i can;t remember.

Language pair: English; German
Becky n.
September 4, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 7, 2009
japanese music is great
but i'm native to english and know no japanese so i don't know what they are saying. but i want to. *runs to find japanese music* please help i want to learn!

Language pair: English; Japanese
Becky n.
September 4, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Write to me
Cher Chris,
Je suis tres heureux de voir quelqu'un repondre a mon message, mais je crois que le contact sur le forum sera l'unique maniere de notre communication car moi aussi, je ne suis pas un Goldmember.
j'apprends le francais a l'ecole et j'adore cette belle langue!
En outre, j'ecoute de la musique francaise. Ma chanteuse preferee s'appelle Helene Segara.

Language pair: French; English
August 9, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 9, 2003
Vanessa Paradis
hello i am looking for french vanessa paradis albums if you can help me please e-mail me.

Language pair: English; French
Mike C.
July 25, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Classical Music
Hello Manabu! I like classial music very much too. I'm playing the piano and singing. I would really like to chat with you about music, or you can write me an email. I can help you with German and Rassian. Bye

Language pair: German; English
July 19, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 19, 2003
To Jean Christophe
Hello! My name is Sonja. I'm really fond of classic music and of french too. I wanted always to learn French, but never had the opportunity to do it. In September I will beginn with it. I would be very thankful if you could help me, because in one year I want to go to France and will need at least some basic knowledgement. Please contact me(I'm not a goldmember yet), if you have time. Thanks, Sonja

Language pair: English; Russian
July 19, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 19, 2003
Re:pen friends
hi there, my name is mechelle and i am a 19 year old female from barbados who loves RnB music if u are intrested in contacting me you can on my msn because i am not a goldmember. if u dont have msn i have aol and yahoo. hope 2 hear from u soon.

Language pair: Serbian; English
mechelle d.
April 10, 2003

# Msgs: 1

hi ! i'm chinese. would like to communicate with someone by chinese and english. sorry, i'm not gold memeber, so, please contact me first if you interest in.

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
jp l.
April 10, 2003

# Msgs: 1

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