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Language > German
Category > Making Friends

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Hi, how are you ? I´m Paulo, from Brazil, and i wish to help you with portuguese (my native language). I´ll try to contact you on skype, ok? Maybe you can help me too! see ya!

Language pair: Portuguese; German
paulo a.
June 23, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 30, 2013
Searching for penpals AROUND THE WORLD :3
Hi ^^

I'm searching for penpals AROUND THE WORLD!!!!
I really would like to know how you're living, about your country and culture... Please contact me ^^
My hobbies are drawing, writing letters, manga/anime, my cat, internet, tv, badminton... x3

Language pair: English; German
June 21, 2007

# Msgs: 9
Latest: July 7, 2007
Re:hilf mit mit Deutsch!
Hallo ich kann die helfen wenn du magst! Komme aus Deutschland und vielleicht kannst du mir auch ein paar Floskeln für meinen Italien Urlaub beibringen ...

Language pair: German; French
Elisabeth P.
June 20, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 20, 2007
hilf mit mit Deutsch!
ich komme aus Italien und ich bin eine Philosophie studentin. Ich muss mein Deutsch verbessern und, wenn du willst, kann ich dich helfen die italienische Sprache zu lernen oder deine Franzoesisch zu verbessern.
Bis Bald!
laylablues (skype)

Language pair: German; French
blues ..
June 19, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 20, 2007
Hi foto sonne
my name is jessie marx, 30 y/o from sri Lanka
and i like people like you to contact
i love western music in all kind
i watch lot of english movies in different genere

thank you
contat me
jessie marx

Language pair: English; German
jessie m.
June 18, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: June 18, 2007
Re:Hi I'm looking for pen pals from Portugal...
I want to make a friend in Germany,and I can help with your English.

Language pair: German; Chinese, Mandarin
June 16, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 16, 2007
Hi I'm looking for pen pals from Portugal...
Hi my name is Jenny, I am 15 years old and I am looking for pen pals from Portugal! Girls or boys doesn't matter!! You only should be at the age from 15 until 18...I can help you with German or maybe with English! I'm looking forward to it!
Yours Jenny

Language pair: German; 
June 13, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 16, 2007
Re:english speaking contacts!!!!!!
Hello foto Sonne,nice to meet you here!

Language pair: English; German
Julia X.
June 12, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: June 18, 2007
Re:I want to learn Japanese and make new friends
Hello,Susanne,how could i contact with you?i would like studying Germany.

Language pair: German; Japanese
Julia X.
June 12, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 12, 2007
Hi Anna, would you like speak with me? It's very interested for me to get to know people from other countries.
In the autumn I'm going to go in holidays to spain. So can you teach me some important things on spain (but only 2-5 sentenc ;-)?
I hope to hear from you.

Language pair: English; German
June 11, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: June 12, 2007
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