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Language > German
Category > Making Friends

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Hej Lena
I would be willing to teach you basic Swedish. I am not a 'gold member' so you will have to contact me.

Language pair: German; English
June 7, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 7, 2007
Re:Hello everybody!
Dzieñ dobry!
Ich heiße Lucy. Ich hab seit einem Monat Polisch gelernt. Gleich fahr ich wieder nach Deutschland(jestem Australjka), und meine bekannten, die mir mein Polisch beigebracht habe wohnen hier in Australien. Ich hätte gerne Polisch weiter lernen. Leider kann ich kein Farsi, aber ich kann mit Englisch helfen(wann sie so möchten!)

Language pair: Polish; German
June 7, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 7, 2007
Re:I want to learn
HI I can teach you some german and you can help me with chinese ok?

Language pair: German; Chinese, Mandarin
Hardy L.
June 6, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 19, 2010
Hi everybody!
I'm searching for a japanese penpalbecause I like to learn the language seriously
If anyone is interested I can help you to learn english or german.
But I'm not an goldmember, so it would be nice if you can conatct me

nice greetings

Language pair: German; English
Lena S.
June 5, 2007

# Msgs: 1

I want to learn Japanese and make new friends
Hello everybody,my name is Susanne and i´m32 years old i want to make new friends and also i want to learn the language.
I´m a funny person and open minded.
My hobys are draw pictures,watch movies and get Tattoos ( i have a lot:)
So if you want more to know or teach me your language so feel free and Mail me.
Have a nice day

Language pair: German; Japanese
Angel l.
June 5, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 12, 2007
english speaking contacts!!!!!!
Well, another try!
I´m still looking for contacts all over the world. Best would be if you are between 25-38 and interested into travelling, music(rock, 60ies soul,alternativ) and films.So come on.....please answer me;-)

Language pair: English; German
foto s.
June 4, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: June 18, 2007
best teaching ever ;) u wanna learn german?
hey guuys
no matter what language you speak, i wanna learn as many as possible, so if you are interested in gettin used to talk german and / or teaching me any language, no worries, just tell me...
(principalmente voglio imparare italiano perché non lo capisco molto bene, ma solamente amo il paese dei campioni del mondo heheh...)
holla back

Language pair: German; English
most famous R
June 4, 2007

# Msgs: 1

hi everybody

i am Reza, a 42 male from persia(Iran) and interested to learn german language .instead i teach you persian and english .i am so experienced in persian literature and culture .it migh be a long mutual relation. thanks a lot. REZA

Language pair: Persian (Farsi, Dari, Hazaragi); German
reza m.
June 4, 2007

# Msgs: 6
Latest: May 31, 2021
I can help you in German and want to learn English
Hi!! I want to have a friend from England who can help me in English...


Language pair: German; English
Constanze H.
June 4, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:I want to improve my Englisch - perhaps you want to learn German?
hi i would love to write to you in english! :) and i've always wanted to learn more german(however i'd be a bigginer). i'm sure we could work something out :)

Language pair: German; English
ewelina c.
June 3, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: June 3, 2007
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