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Category > Music/Dance

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I like a lot of british bands! coldplay are great, I like starsailor too but they are not one of my faves. Actually, I like air traffic (i think you could like a track called shooting star) and what else... travis!! :)

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; Hungarian
June 13, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 7, 2007
Re:I like alot of stuff
Hey, i saw you like japanese music, if you want i have many songs of it and i can give it to you.

What bands do you like ?

Language pair: English; 
June 13, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 13, 2007
Who plays guitar ?
I'm looking for someone who plays this beautiful instrument which is guitar. I'm playing it since december and i find this instrument beautiful.
And you ?

Language pair: English; 
June 12, 2007

# Msgs: 9
Latest: October 17, 2007
Re:Re:Jpop Kpop Jrock buddies
Me too I love Jrock, jpop...
I never listened to Kpop or krock. My favourites bands are Mucc, Merry, rentrer en soi, phantasmagoria, vidoll, La vie en rose and many others.
Before listening that, i listened to hard rock, heavy metal... But japanese music made me discover another kind of music beautiful and melodious.

Language pair: Japanese; Korean
June 12, 2007

# Msgs: 13
Latest: August 22, 2007
I like alot of stuff
I like alot of stuff but im very particular about music and muic instruments.

I play a litle guitar just started and im pretty good. I like rockin roll alot. But i am really fascinated by japanese music also i like it alot but i canno find alot of it since i live in usa.

I would like to learn japanese but i cant search for people because i dont have gold member card yet so..=[

I can teach people about gguitar too. I know eerything i just need to learn how to play it with the fingers.

Language pair: English; 
Eddie N.
June 9, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 13, 2007
I play the violin and have been for a couple of years(8 to be exact). I have respect for all types of music and instruments and and would like to meet others who share the same passion for music in all parts of the world.

Language pair: English; Spanish
audrey 8.
June 8, 2007

# Msgs: 5
Latest: June 28, 2007
Autographe !
Hello !

Est ce que quelqu'un joue de l'orgue ici ?

Language pair: French; Italian
June 7, 2007

# Msgs: 1

I'm looking for someone who's intrested in Blues Music and sppreciates the sounds of a really great harmonica players...If that sounds like you and if you would like to connect and TALK BLUES which probably will help you in your english writing and speaking..Then lets E-Mail each other...

Language pair: English; English
June 3, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Jpop Kpop Jrock buddies
Im looking for people that like these things. I want to be friends and talk to them. Does anyone know people like Gazette, Utada, Alice Nine, Dir en Grey, An Cafe, DBSK, Se7en, L'Arc~en~Ciel, Boa, Ayu, Morning Musume, Kagrra, Kra, Miyavi, Hyde stuff like that. Come in and we can be friends!

Language pair: Japanese; Korean
May 31, 2007

# Msgs: 13
Latest: August 22, 2007
ac/dc is cool, i like all of them.


Language pair: German; English
juan h.
May 30, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: August 24, 2007
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