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Language > Czech
Category > Seeking Partners

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Re:recherche un tchèque je peux l'aider pour son français
Bonjour Pierre,
je viens de lire votre message.D abord je me presente,je m appele Ilona,je suis d orgine tcheque et j ai 25 ans.Je cherche en ce moment une personne a qui je pourrai parler en francais.En echange je peux lui aider a apprendre tcheque.J adore la langue francaise!!!Je serai tres ravie,alors n hesitez pas a me repondre.A bientot!

Language pair: French; Czech
November 19, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 7, 2009
Want exchange programme
Hi My name is Ritesh Kumar, I am from India,I am native speaker of hindi,and i have keen interest in learning Spanish and little czech,and in exchange i can teach english and hindi,so if anyone is interested then contact me,i am looking foreward to my first partner.

Language pair: Spanish; Czech
ritesh k.
October 27, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Czech & Chinese
Hi, I am learning Czech ang Chinese. Now I am living in Prague, Czech republic. If you are Czech or Chinese, please feel free to talk with me. Ahoj!

Language pair: Czech; Chinese, Mandarin
September 16, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Ahoj Lauro, jsem student z Prahy a mùžu ti pomoct s tvojí èeštinou. Navíc se uèím španìlsky, takže ty bys mi mohla pomoct s ní. Jestli chceš, pošli mi email (adresu zjistíš podle mé pøezdívky).

Hi Laura, I'm a student from Prague and I can help you with your Czech. Furthermore I learn Spanish so you could help me with it. If you want, send me an email (you can find out my adress from my nick).

Hola Laura! Soy un estudiante de Praga y puedo ayudarte con tu checo. Además aprendo español, por eso podrías ayudarme con él. Si quieres, envíame un email (para encontrar mi dirección mira mi sobrenombre).

Language pair: Czech; Spanish
jiripergler a.
August 11, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 11, 2006
AHOJ! jsem Spanelska a chtela bych znat Cesi,abych trenovat moje cestinu. Minuly rok jsem bydlela v Praze a tam jsem udelala intensivni kurs cestiny. Ted jsem v Spanelsku ale neznam nikdo, ktery muze mi pomohl.

Jestli studujes Spanelstinu nebo chtes se ten jazyk naucit, poslej mi e-mail.



ik spreek Spaans en wil neederlans te leren. Wil jij mij helpen?
tot ziens!

Language pair: Czech; Dutch
Laura G.
July 30, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 11, 2006
I am speak english and want to learn czech, please help

Language pair: English; Czech
May 31, 2006

# Msgs: 1

I want to know about Czech
Hi, I'm going to study in Czech Republic this coming autumn. Therefor, I need a partner who can teach me Czech and tell me about the country and its people. On the other hand, I also want to improve Arabic. For those who are willing to help me and be my partner, pls reply this msg. Thank you.

Language pair: Czech; Arabic, Middle Eastern
May 28, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Hi, i need help with learning czech
Hi. I am from the czech republic hence I can help you learning czech. So if you want, you can contact me...

Language pair: English; Czech
jiripergler a.
April 17, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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