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Language > Italian
Category > Seeking Partners

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Ciao! Hi!
Hi to the Italian speakers. I am an English/French teacher who would like to learn Italian. I visited your beautiful country last Fall and would like to come back next year. Bellisimo! A few of my interests are music, art, travel, cooking, watching Formula 1 car racing and ice hockey. Please contact me, grazie :) Catherine

Language pair: English; Italian
Catherine V.
December 14, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Italian speaker
Hi Amanda! I'm Italian and I study English language at university. I can help you practise Italian and if you want to you can help me improve my English :)

Language pair: Italian; English
December 2, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Italian language
Vorrei esercitare la lingua italiana. Parlo Inglese.

Language pair: English; Italian
November 23, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Native English Speaker seeking Italian Pen Pal
Hello! My name is Amanda and in a little over a year, I plan on traveling to Venice. In that time, I'd like to try and learn as much about the Italian language and culture as I can! I'm very new to the language so you might have to bare with me, but I'm excited to get started! I can help with English, too, if you like! Send me an email if you're interested! (:

Language pair: English; Italian
Amanda K.
November 20, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Re:need a spanish language partner
Hi, I'm Erika Rivetti :)

I'm 22 and I study and teach spanish here in Italy, i'm quite good anD i REALLY LOVE spanish (it's like my second language)

If you are a golden member you can send me an e-mail, or search me!!!

hope too see you soon!!

Language pair: Italian; Spanish
November 18, 2015

# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 18, 2015
Looking for Italian speaking partner
I speak Mandarin, cantonese, hokkien, english and a little malayu, seeking for italian and french language partners~ thanks!

Language pair: Chinese, Cantonese; Italian
Linda L.
November 17, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Looking for Italian speaking partner
I speak Mandarin, cantonese, hokkien, english and a little malayu, seeking for italian and french language partners~ thanks!

Language pair: Chinese, Cantonese; Italian
Linda L.
November 17, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Re:Scambio italiano - spagnolo
Hola, también me gustaría intercambiar italiano/español. Soy cubana. Saludos

Language pair: Spanish; Italian
November 2, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 2, 2015
Re:Italian/English Exchange
Ciao Briannon,

Sono un "ragazzo" Italiano di 41 anni e vorrei migliorare il mio inglese. Mi piacerebbe avere una laguage exchange partner per praticare il mio inglese e per imparare gli usui e costumi Americani.

Preferisco corrispondere con ragazze perchè voglio migliorare il mio vocabolario anche al di fuori dei comuni argomenti da maschi (e.g. motori, calcio etc.).


Hi Briannon,

I'm a 41 years old Italian guy and I would like to improve my English. I'd like having a language exchange partner in order to practice my English and discover USA habits and lifestyle.

I prefer exchanging with girls because I want to improve my vocabulary also outside the common guys arguments (e.g. motorsports, football etc.).


Language pair: English; Italian
November 2, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 2, 2015
Re:insegnare a me italiano per favore:)
Ciao Christina,

Io sono Italiano e posso aiutarti a migliorare il tuo italiano.
Il mio inglese è più o meno comprensigile quindi credo che potremmo aiutarci a vicenda.


Language pair: English; Italian
November 2, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 2, 2015
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