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Language > German
Category > Making Friends

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Re:español, aleman e ingles
Hi Mauro,
ich könnte dir mit deinem Deutsch helfen. Ich spreche allerdings kein spanisch, nur noch etwas englisch. Bin auch kein Goldmember!


Language pair: German; English
February 28, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Hey to everybody!!!
hey, that would be really cool!!! are you a gold member?? cause otherwise we have to find a way to contact!!
Many Greetings ann

Language pair: English; German
February 25, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 25, 2007
Re:looking for friends
hallo jenny wie gehts dir . ich komme aus jordanien.

Language pair: German; English
imad h.
February 24, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:I have a dream - thousands e-mails from great britain, new sealand, canada, usa, france, italy .........
Hallo Helga
ich bin Italiener und waere sehr froh,dich zu schreiben.Ich mag Lesen,Reisen und Kunst.Du kannst mich auf giacomo.tessaro at tele2 point it kontaktieren.Wenn du moechtest,schreibe mir.Tschuss.

Language pair: German; 
Giacomo T.
February 7, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: February 7, 2007
Re:I have a dream - thousands e-mails from great britain, new sealand, canada, usa, france, italy .........
Hi! This is Erica from Taiwan. I'd like to be your e-mail-penpals. I am into movie, music, books and travelling. My hotmail account is (erica1207), if you'd like to drop me a line. Looking forward to hearing from you...

Language pair: German; 
February 6, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: February 7, 2007
i would like to learn german from native german speaker im from london so my english is 2nd to none but i live in dublin so if theres any german person living in dublin that would like to learn more english and in turn teach me some german please reply.my name is simon im 27 thanks hope to hear from u soon ps not a gold member

Language pair: German; German
eric m.
February 5, 2007

# Msgs: 1

I search an australien penfriend
My name is Mary and i search an australien penfriend. I'm fivteen years old. I love australia. I don't no the outback, the cities, the differnce between... it's interest me. Also i want to improve my english. I hope you write me back soon

Your sincerly Mary

Language pair: German; English
Mary M.
February 5, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 10, 2007
Re:quiero aprender espanol
hola me encantaria practicar contigo el español y seria bastante interesante aprender algo de aleman .

Language pair: German; Spanish
gloria l.
January 31, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Looking for finnish/german friends
HI everybody !! i ma 17 year old italian boy and i would like to mett new finnish or german friends i m not a goldmember (darkschneider47) so please add me in ms (hot) n (mail) (com)

Language pair: Finnish; German
January 31, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Im looking for....
hi, I´m Gabriela, Im looking for penpals who speak english or german, and I can teach you spanish...the trouble is that Im not a gold member :(, but I want to improve my languages....so then, you can write to me!!

Language pair: Spanish; German
gabriela r.
January 30, 2007

# Msgs: 1

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