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A message from HERMINE to REIKI RAJ

May I call you Reiki Ji?
Mera naam Hermine hai and i'm 24. I'm a student and i doing studies to become a translator in English and French but i'd like to learn other languages to widen my horizons.
I'm desperately expecting partners who can teach me to speak hindi first because i really love every thiung that has to do with India.
The fact is that in my country we have indian movies but it's difficult to find them. There indian songs that i sing entirely without knowing what they mean except some words.
Thus, please, would you like to teach me Hindi?
By the way, i've read somewhere that "thanks" is "shukriya". Isn't it right?


Language pair: French; English
July 22, 2005

# Msgs: 4
Latest: July 22, 2005
A message from HERMINE to REIKI RAJ

May I call you Reiki Ji?
Mera naam Hermine hai and i'm 24. I'm a student and i doing studies to become a translator in English and French but i'd like to learn other languages to widen myhorizons.
I'm still expecting partners who can teach me to speak hindi first because i really love every thiung that has to do with India.
The fact is tha

Language pair: French; English
July 22, 2005

# Msgs: 4
Latest: July 22, 2005
Bonjour Muskaan

Apparemment tu n'as pas lu mes messages. Je serais vraiment heureuse que toi et moi devenions partenaires pour apprendre la langue que chacune de nous sait parler.
J'ai besoin de ton aide pour mon apprentissage du hindi et si tu le souhaites, je serai ta partenaire pour ton apprentissage du français même si tu en as déjà trouver un autre.


Hi Muskaan

It seems like you din't read my messages yet. It would be very nice if you and i become exchange partners to learn our respective languages.
I really need your help to learn hindi and if you want, i will be your partner for french teaching, even if you already have anoyher one.


Language pair: French; English
July 22, 2005

# Msgs: 5
Latest: August 1, 2005
Re:Re:in English you can change the infinitive of words like to hep into helper so that you are the one helping how do you do this in french.
Hi Quentin! Welcome to MLE!

I think perhaps you may have misunderstood what Rachel was asking (or I did--Rachel, let me know if I'm lying about you) I think Rachel was asking about the -er suffix we use to turn an act into the person who does it: Help + er = helper: one who helps; teach + er = teacher: one who teaches, etc. I know, for example, that French has the euse / eur endings and you have to use the one appropriate to the gender. So, for example, your verb moquer, to mock or to tease can be turned into the person who does it: moqueur, a man who teases, or moqueuse, a woman who teases. Likewise, masser, to massage, can become masseur and masseuse, a man or woman who massages. I'm sure this isn't a construction you can use indescriminantly. In English, a person who walks is a walker, but we just call a person who cooks a cook, and a person who polices is called a janitor! ("police" is often used in the military as a verb meaning to clean up).

Anyway, I think that was what Rachel was asking about. Perhaps you can shed more light on how verbs are modified in French to become words for the people who do the action of the verb.

Thanks! And again, welcome!


Mark / Sacramento CA

Language pair: English; French
Mark S.
July 17, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Muskaan 23, I can help you
bonjour Muskaan

Je t'ai déjà envoyé un message mais apparemment tu ne l'as pas encore lu.
Je t'aiderai à améliorer ton français avec plaisir.And you see i really need to learn Hindi and i'll be thankful if you teach me. J'aimerais savoir parleer le hindi et écrire et lire le devanagari.
It'll be one month that i'm looking for someone like you who can help me.
Si jamais tu réponds, i propose that you write in hindi and then translate into english and when i'll answer you, i'll write in french and translato into english so tha you'll understand what i'll be saying. I think that like that we'll progress slowly but surely and we'll come at a point that we'll be able to converse both in french and hindi.

Je suis sur le net deux fois par semaine: lundi et jeudi. Quelquefois le dimanche aussi. I'm on the internet two days a week; on monday and thursday and sometimes on sunday.

J'attends de te lire avec impatience. Merci

I'm waiting to read you eagerly. Thanks

Language pair: French; English
July 17, 2005

# Msgs: 5
Latest: August 1, 2005
Re:i don't get french tenses
Hi Rachel,

I sincerely doubt that you're stupid, but that doesn't mean I should expect you to follow me if I try to give you some kind of Noam Chomsky definition of "infinitive". Not everyone needs to be a grammar guru like me. Contrary to what most kids on the schoolyards seem to think, not having information about something is not at all the same thing as being dumb.

Anyway, that said, here, in layperson's terms, is what an infinitive is.

An infinitive, in English, is the "to - " form of the verb. We use it with 'going' to form the future (I'm going to stop, I'm going to write, I'm going to dream, etc.) We often use the infinitive when a verb is the object of a verb (that is, the answer to the question, "what is being (verb)-ed (whatever the verb happens to be)


I want a dog (What do I want? a dog -- dog is the object of the verb want)

I want to go (What do I want? to go -- to go is the object of the verb want, and since I'm using a verb as the object of a verb -- the: what it is that I want--, I use the infinitive, the " to - " form.

In French, they don't use "to" to form an infinitive. Instead, the use an -ir or an -er, usually at the ending. There are exceptions, like etre and aprendre.

Warning: Don't try to translate into French word-by-word. The French don't always use their infinitives the same way we do. You're much better off learning to say the phrases correctly, and not worrying so much about the grammar for now. My French isn't great, and I can't exactly come up with a good example of that precisely, but perhaps you'll see the sort of thing that I mean if I show you a related problem:

Say I wanted to say, "This is going to be helpful" A word-by-word translation would be,

Ç'est allant etre utile. But in French, that's just not how they say it. They say, This goes to be helpful: Ça va etre utile. This may help you see why people from other countries phrase things so strangely when they're learning to speak English. You'll make a lot of mistakes like that as you learn French, but don't worry about it. It's all part of the learning process, and gives you a lot of great opportunities to laugh at yourself. Au revoir!

Reply to message # 56115
i don't get french tenses Rachel

Can anyone explain in really simple words what the infinative is and how you translate it, because i'm kinda dumb

Language pair: English; French
Category: Vocabulary/Translations

Post date: July 15, 2005

Language pair: English; French
Mark S.
July 16, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Bonjour Muskaan 23
Mera naam Hermine hai from Africa. I can help you in french and i'm happy i could. Concerning me me i'm fond of indian culture and i would like to learn to speak Hindi.
If you are ready, we can start with our first lesson. I'll put it in a dialogue

Hermine: Bonjour. (good morning.)
answer: Bonjour. (good morning)
Hermine: Comment vas-tu?(How are you?)
answer: Bien, merci. Et toi? (Fine. thank you. And you?)
Hermine: Bien. Où vas-tu? (Fine. Where are you going to?)
answer: Au marché. (To the market)
Hermine: Alors, à bientôt! (Then, see you soon)
answer: A bientôt. (see you soon)

Well, Muskaan, i'm waiting eagerly to read you.J'attends impatiemment de te lire)

Language pair: French; English
July 11, 2005

# Msgs: 5
Latest: August 1, 2005
Re:Re:Help me for english please !!!
Hi Carey, I want you thank for your aide, I'm very happy. I love USA and England therefore I desire improve my English .
In return I help you with French. I'm not gold member

Sorry for the foul

See you soon, Kiss, Amandine

Language pair: English; French
July 11, 2005

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 11, 2005
Re:Re:Help me for english please !!!
Hi Heather, I want you thank for your help. I'm very happy. I love USA and England therefore I desire improve my English.
In return I help you with French.I'm not gold member

Sorry for the foul

See you soon, Kiss, AMANDINE

Language pair: French; English
July 11, 2005

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 11, 2005
help me with french
salut !!!11

j apprends la langue francais ......if anyone cud help me in french in return i ca help u with english and hindi
merci d avance

Language pair: French; English
muskaan 2.
July 10, 2005

# Msgs: 5
Latest: August 1, 2005
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