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Help me for english please !!!
Bonjour j'aimerais connaitre quelqu'un qui parle un peu français et qui pourrait m'aider pour l'anglais !!!! Help me please !!! Thank you
Language pair: French; English
July 8, 2005
# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 11, 2005
what is dave mustange saying in his song A tout le monde A tout mes amis Je vous aime Je dois partir
Language pair: English; French
Stefan T.
June 25, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Re:Teach me french! I can teach english!
My name is Agueda and I live in Switzerland. I can help you with your French as it is my mother tongue. In counterpart, I really need help for my English which is not so good nowadays.
So tell me if you're interested!
Language pair: English; French
Agueda G.
June 1, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Who wants to get some Romanian or/and English?
Hallo. I'm a native Romanian, I live in Germany and I speak a very good English (and no german, but this is another story...). I just adore the French language and I'm actually going to spend some time in France so if there's anyone who can help me to improve my French, I would be so grateful... and of course I would give some English (or Romanian!) in exchange. What do you say?
Language pair: English; French
Carina P.
May 26, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Re:Is any Estonian native interested in learning French ?
i HAVE been thinking about taking up another language... in any case, i don't mind helping you with estonian.
i am not a gold member either, but you can always try to catch me on chat or - reply here
; )
Language pair: French; Estonian
May 15, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Re:French in exchange with Native tounge
Hey My english is very bad, but I will try to help u in french. I hope u can teach me in native american and tell me more about u!
Language pair: Native American (Ojibway, Cree...); French
Elena R.
May 12, 2005
# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 12, 2005
Re:Re:English or French for Polish
hi, i from POLAND , AND I CAN HELP YOU LEARNING POLISH! so, i' waiting for contact. i like to meet new people so i think that we can be friends.
Language pair: English; French
May 8, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Re:French girl with Indian boyfriend seeks Hindi tips.
Bonjour Marie:
Je serai heureux de vous aider avec pratiqer "Hindi". Moi meme, je suis Nuclear Engineer des Etats-Unis. A ce moment, je me suis installe' a' Pondicherry, une petite ville dans le sud de l'Inde. Ne hesitez pas de demander des questions. Comme vous voyez, je ne suis qu'un de'butant en Francais.
J'espere que vous me e'crirez bientot.
Notez s'il vous plait que, a ce moment je ne suis pas un "Gold Member", mais dans l'avenir proche j'ai l'intention d'obtenir le membership.
Language pair: Hindi; French
April 26, 2005
# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 13, 2008
Cabbage n Storks to English from the French--Attn: Newlife Wang and everyone
Hi everyone;
I really enjoyed this joke posted in French by Sabrina Jara. It was the second of three jokes listed in message 42499. In talking to Newlife Wang about English language expressions about immaturity, I thought it would be nice to have this available in English where others who don’t speak French could enjoy it. If you do speak French, however please check my translation, since French is NOT one of my stronger languages. Thanks. And enjoy!
And Wang, this reminds me that the story about cabbages leaves is second in popularity only to the one about being brought by the stork.
A little boy of five asked his mother how she was born. “err.” She answered, somewhat embarrassed, “um… I was found in a bouquet of roses.” Unsatisfied by this, the boy went to see his father, and ask him the same question. “I came out of a cabbage,” his father told him. Desperate in his cause, the kid went to find his big sister, Bridgette, and he planted himself in front of her. “And you, Bridgette? Were you born in a rose or in a cabbage” “Uh, no, neither of those. It was a stork that brought me.’ “Okay,” said the boy, “So if I’ve got this straight, there isn’t a soul in this family who was born the normal way!”
42499 Sabrina Jara January 9, 2005 Un petit garcon de cinq ans demande a sa mère comment elle est née. -Euh, répond la mère embarrassée, euh... dans un bouquet de roses. Pas satisfait pour autant, le petit bonhomme va voir son père pour lui poser la même question. -Je suis venu dans un chou, lui dit son père. En désespoir de cause, le môme va trouver sa grande sœur Brigitte et il se plante devant elle: -Et toi, Brigitte, tu es née dans une rose ou dans un chou? -Eh bien, dit la fille, ni l'un ni l'autre! C'est une cigogne qui m'a apportée... -Alors, dit le gamin, si j'ai bien compris, il n'y a pas eu une seule naissance normale dans cette famille...
Language pair: English; French
Mark S.
March 24, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Re:French in exchange with Native tounge
Hi Kayla
My mother tongue is french, so i was born in Canada at Montreal now i'm leaving in Paris - France for work and i would like to talk with you to be more confortable with my english
Also we can talk in my native language in french
thank for your respond
Language pair: Native American (Ojibway, Cree...); French
March 20, 2005
# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 12, 2005