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Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Looking for someone to translate a message from English to Hungarian
I am looking for someone who could hwlp me translate a message from English to Hungarian.

Thank you in Advance

Language pair: English; Hungarian
Taylor F.
February 27, 2020

# Msgs: 1

2 words for translation into Japanese
Hello. Please help me to translate two words from English into Japanese:

Pullover -

Modest -

I want to tell: Today my pullover is modest.

Language pair: English; Japanese
Sergey M.
February 8, 2020

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 9, 2024
Re:Rechnung und Storno-Rechnung - invoice and ???
In the US the term used to offset and invoice is called "Credit Memo"

Language pair: Greek; English
January 24, 2020

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 24, 2020
Re:Re:Russian for a beginner
Произношение сильно отличается, чтобы его выучить нужно практиковать, читать и разговаривать, и еще у нас одно и то же слово может иметь много разных значений, их нужно знать

Language pair: Russian; English
Полина Г.
January 23, 2020

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 3, 2020
Rechnung und Storno-Rechnung - invoice and ???
I'm looking for the correct bold written word on invoice forms for the german word "Storno-Rechnung", which means the cancellation of an already sent invoice. I found the word "cancellation" or "reversal invoice". What is common used on business letters in GB or USA?

Language pair: German; English
January 8, 2020

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 24, 2020
Can someone translate this for me? Sanskrit I think
I have something that I think is in Sanskrit. Can anyone translate it for me?

Language pair: English; 
December 15, 2019

# Msgs: 1

Re:Looking for Native English Speaker for Literary Translation Project

I'd be happy to help you with improving your English expressions. I've never tried learning Chinese, though it seems interesting. If you have any questions about English you can ask me.

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Neon S.
November 4, 2019

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 4, 2019
i'm a french native speaker who live in paris. i'm looking for english native speaker for practise my english.
I'm a man who is looking for an english speaker on paris. In exchange of english speaking I can help you with your french and even for visit the good places in paris. I like films, series, the music, festivals and walks. So if you are interested don't hesitate to contact me.

Language pair: English; French
October 26, 2019

# Msgs: 1

Re:Sa/ses/son, de/du/des/de la, ca/ce/ces, ta/tes/ton
Vous utiliserez "sa" avec un mot féminin: sa jambe; "ses" avec un mot au pluriel: ses jambes; "son" avec avec un mot masculin : son bras. "du "= "de le"(qui ne se dit pas) donc avec un nom masculin : du jambon; de la crème(mot féminin),des crèmes (mot pluriel);ce tableau (mot masculin) ces tableaux(mot pluriel)ta jambe(mot féminin),ton bras(mot masculin) tes jambes(mot pluriel). La difficulté est de connaître par cœur si un mot est masculin ou féminin, le pluriel est plus facile à reconnaître avec un "s" à la fin dans la plupart des cas.
Espérant vous avoir aidé un peu

Language pair: English; French
October 13, 2019

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 13, 2019
How do I introduce myself in Korean
Very eager to learn

Language pair: English; Korean
Carleen D.
October 11, 2019

# Msgs: 1

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