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Re:Re:Re:Re:Listen to your heart, the song.
Hello Lauren & Mark,

your Conversation sounds very interesting...but sadly i can´t understand 100% of them, because i´m a German ;o(

Language pair: English; German
August 18, 2005

# Msgs: 5
Latest: August 20, 2005
Re:Listen to your heart, the song. Part 1 of 2
Oh, fine. Don't ask any easy ones or anything!

How do you listen to your heart?
Along the same lines, how do you deal with a broken heart? And how do you prevent one from happening ever again?

I'm going to answer these in reverse order:

How do you prevent ever getting a broken heart? Simple: divorce the world. Go live in a cave on a mountaintop and spend the rest of your life practicing meditation. Purge your mind of all cares, desires, expectations and conceptions, and you need never again fear any kind of disappointment.

I'm sure you can see why most of us prefer to live with the risk.

How do you deal with a broken heart? I cuss and scream and throw a temper tantrum. I yell at the other person and I tell them how evil and cruel they are and how I hope they suffer exquisite torture for their egotistical selfishness. I run away from life by hiding in my room and reading a good book, or getting lost on the internet chatting with all of you, or vegetating in front of the TV with a good movie. I make a solemn oath that I am absolutely through with the human race and will never trust anybody again.

The next day or so later, I apologize to the person who hurt me for being so offensive when I was angry at them. I reach out to my friends and tell them how badly I need friends right now and how much I appreciate having them.

When I feel like I'm fairly well over it, I make a point to again make myself vulnerable to heartbreak.

See part 2 of 2

Language pair: English; German
Mark S.
June 16, 2005

# Msgs: 5
Latest: August 20, 2005
Hoi Lait!
I hoff irgndjemand vo Südtirol sigg des do!
Bitte meldets enk!
I bin gonz üboroscht, dass do soffl Südtiroler sein. Vielleicht het jemand amol Luscht oanfoch jemand vo Südtirol kennen zu learn anstott von da ondorn seite vo da welt.
Tschüss enk!

Language pair: German; English
June 6, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:Looking for a German Pen Pal?
Dear Michelle:

I'm Frank from Taiwan, right now I'm in Peking(Beijing) China learning German. I'd like to improve my German and English with you, even Chinese, if you need it!

Ich lerne jetzt Deutsch am Gothe Institut in Peking, und moechte mit dir sprechen.

Alles Gute!


Language pair: German; English
Frank H.
November 20, 2004

# Msgs: 1

learn German and practice English
Chinese native girl learns German and practices English.I would like to learn french too.I speak Chinese,Japanese and Spainish very well,speak English and a little German.

Language pair: German; English
August 16, 2003

# Msgs: 1

I do not agree with you!!!
At first i have to say that here is nobody who forces you to pay some money. I haven´t done it at the beginning too and still there have been some people who have contact me.
Secondly i have to say that if you post your eMailadress for the public everybody can see it.Everybody can contact you even if you do not like or know this person. I do not know if you know the fact that if somebody has your eMailadress he/she can discover a lot of things about you....
So i am very happy about the fact that such a site exist! You can get into contact wit a lot of people from all over the world without having any fear to come into contact with the wrong person. There is always a certain protection!!!
And if you are honest:12 Dollars in the year, that is not very much!!!The service here is very good. If you have problems you can always contact the webmaster and he helps you AT ONCE.

Language pair: German; English
Katharina J.
August 2, 2003

# Msgs: 1

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