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I hope you’ve noticed the peculiarities of the alphabet. It is of the Latin origin and known as LATINICA. The Serbs also use ÆIRILICA, the alphabet of the Greek origin, similar to the Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian, but be sure that you can communicate with every Serb using only LATINICA. The representation of some letters in Internet creates problems:Here are the numerical codes which should be entered holding the key ALT: è 159, È 172, æ 134, Æ 143, š 231, Š 230, ž 167, Ž 166.

The Serbs believe that their alphabet is the best in the world, than each letter is pronounced always the same way, regardless of its position in the word or of its combination with other letters. And when writting,they just listen to what is being pronounced and use the corresponding letter for each single. So the Serbs write Njujork, Majami, Ševrolet, or Krišèn sajens monitor meaning New York, Miami, Chevrolet or Christian Science Monitor. Some words look funny written that way in Cyrillic letters. The Croats and the Bosnians usually write foreign names in original form, which produces sometimes confusion, if the reader doesn’t know the rules of pronunciation for the specific language. That is also funny, when the name written in original form changes its ending according to the grammatical rules for the NOUNS (Declension). In English, talking about some object, you use different PREPOSITIONS to describe the relation in which that object stands to you or to other persons and objects. In Serbian, Croatian and the Bosnian we generally change the ending of the Noun and use sometimes the preposition, or just don’t use it. There are seven relations or cases:
This is NY: Ovo je Njujork / New York
We fly From NY to Chicago: Letimo od Njujorka/ New Yorka do Èikaga/Chicaga
We are flying towards Clevelend: Letimo prema Klivlendu/Clevelandu
Now we see Philadelphia: Sad vidimo Filadelfiju/Philadelphiju
I love you, America: Volim te, Ameriko
Japan is competing with America: Japan se takmièi s Amerikom
We are talking about Canada: Govorimo o Kanadi/Canadi

It’s complicated, and you’ll quite sure tend to avoid those cases. Don’t worry! People will understand you. Nevertheless, lets exercise:
Ovo je Mièigen: This is Michigan// Ja dolazim iz Mièigena: I come from Michigan // Detroit je u Mièigenu: Detroit is in Michigan // Iz aviona vidimo Mièigen: From the airplane we see Michigan // Mièigene, rodni kraju, u tebi je ko u raju: Michigan, my native land, to be within your borders is like to be in paradise. (I’m kidding. I don’t know Michigan at all, but there is a Serbian folksong starting with the words: Šumadijo, rodni kraju, u tebi je ko u raju. Šumadija is the central part of Serbia where in the early 19th century two uprisings against the foreign Turkish rule gave birth to the modern Serbian state.) // U petak Teksas igra s Mièigenom: On Friday Texas plays with (versus) Michigan// Imam jednu knjigu o Mièigenu: I have a book about Michigan.

Language pair: Serbian; English
Aleksandar D.
December 8, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Hello my name is Jill
Hello dear ,

My name is Shabnam 28 years old from Iran and I would like learn english and improve .

I love and galad to teach you Farsi .Whenever you want please do not hesitated . I'm waiting for your message .

Thank you

Kind regards,


Language pair: English; Persian (Farsi, Dari, Hazaragi)
Shabnam S.
November 25, 2004

# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 25, 2004
Re:Re:Hello my name is Jill
Hello dear,

My name is Shabnam 28 years old from Iran and I want learn English and if you want learn Farsi I'm very glad to teach you Farsi.
I'm waiting for your reply .

Thank you.

Regards ,


Language pair: English; Persian (Farsi, Dari, Hazaragi)
Shabnam S.
November 25, 2004

# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 25, 2004
Re:Re:Wanting to learn Spanish and help others with English
Hola Raquel:

En tu aviso informas que sabes hablar algo de español y necesitas practicar la escritura. Vamos a ver si puedes contestar
algunas preguntas simples y luego me puedes preguntar cualquier cosa; a mí me sucede lo opuesto: me pongo nerviosa al teléfono como si no se nada de Inglés, pero leyendo o escribiendo estoy Intermedio.

¿En qué estado está ubicado Stony Brook?

¿Qué estás estudiando?

¿Te gustaría estudiar en un pais donde se hable español?

¿En que NIVEL O en QUÉ ÁREA DE mATEMATICAS ESTás como tutora?


Con gusto te contestaré tus preguntas...Podrías escribir el texto de algunos de los problemas que explicas y si puedo, te ayudo con la traducción. No soy buena en Matemática, pero tengo un libro muy amplio que cubre desde lo básico hasta primer nivel de la Universidad.

I hope news from you. Take care!

Language pair: English; Spanish
maryjaponte l.
October 22, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Les puedo ayudar en Espanol!!!
Hola Doris:

Puedo escribirte con frecuencia, por medio de la cartelera.

Tengo muchos mensajes en este sitio. Estoy preparando unas lecciones sobre temas universales como la Muralla China, El Muro de Berlin, La Torre Eiffel.
Please write me and let me know your level in Spanish so I can write adequate for you
I can write on the BBoard only. You can select my messages from
the BBoard and can see I have for all levels.I would like very much if you can do with me the same I am doing with the others: I copy the Note and write the correct form where was the incorrect form. Well. will be like you can ...

Mis mejores deseos para ti,

Language pair: English; Spanish
maryjaponte l.
September 18, 2004

# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 18, 2004
To ALL those who would love to learn ENGLISH/ BENGALI in exchange for RUSSIAN/SPANISH.....WELCOME!!!

Those who are interested in BENGALI or SANSKRIT please see my HANG MAN games created in this site....for fun and learning.

Best wishes to TATIANA PROZOROVA who has already contacted. Regards to ALL!

Language pair: Russian; English
Nirmal K.
September 18, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Hello my name is Jill
Hello Jill, my name is payam I am iraniian and live in tehran(capital of iran) I can speak English a litlle and I like exchange persian with english if you like ,I glod teach farsi to you.

Language pair: Persian (Farsi, Dari, Hazaragi); English
August 31, 2004

# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 25, 2004
Re:Quiero practicar mi espanol
Hola Mónica Doherty Soy Mary con quien estuviste chateando.

Respuesta a tu pregunta:
Elegir y escoger son verbos sinónimos. Es decir, son diferentes palabras pero tienen igual significado.

No soy miembro dorado así que no te puedo contactar directamente. Ese e mail no funcionó Si tú eres Dorado contactame a traves de este mensaje y si no puedes pasar tu e-mail escribe a los administradores a ver cómno te comunicas conmigo. Creo que ellos me pasan el e- mail a mi corre. Si no puedo chatear aquime voy a chatear en Yahoo. escríbeme por Bulletin Board

Cordial Saludo... Mary Me alegró haberte encontrado Ojalá no te pierdas. ... en la misteriosa RED.

Language pair: English; Spanish
maryjaponte l.
August 29, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 29, 2004
Re:Quiero practicar mi espanol At Mónica
Hola Mónica

Con gusto puedo ayudarte a practicar tu español.

Me escribes que tienes un hijo de tres años...por lo cual debes saber de Comiquitas (Comics)

Podemos practicar el verbo "Gustar" (to like)

Me puedes escribir cual "comics" le gusta mas a tu hijo
You can write which is the comics he likes more.

I like one "The South Park" from Canal Locomotion. I believe it is
from Spain.

Me gusta "South Park" de Locomotion. Creo que es de España.

Me gusta también "El Gato Garfield" es flojo, y goloso.Garfield the cat, it is lazy and likes to eat very much.

A ti te gusta leer, a tu hijo le gusta ver dibujos animados(comics)
A nosotros nos gusta comer pizza. a ellos les gusta ir al cine.

Si me escribes otro dia me puedes explicar cosas que te gustan y
podemos practicar con ese verbo.

Espero saber de ti, Saludos,


Language pair: Spanish; English
maryjaponte l.
August 29, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 29, 2004
Re:Re:Les puedo ayudar en Espanol!!!
Hola Antonia

Te puedo ayudar en Español con mucho gusto a través de BBoard.
Dame orientacion de temas de tu agrdo : Cine, música, series de tv
recetas de postres, o algo para investigar y seguro te escribo



Language pair: Spanish; English
maryjaponte l.
August 16, 2004

# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 18, 2004
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