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Language > Chinese, Mandarin
Category > New Member

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Hello..Apa Khabar?
Hi.i'm andre from malaysia.i'm looking for friends who can help me in french(from basic perhaps)& in exchange i can help you in Bahasa Malaysia or Indonesia..
Terima Kasih (Thank you).

Language pair: French; Chinese, Mandarin
December 3, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Je veux apprendre bien francais!!!

Je suis chinois, de Hong Kong. J'habite a paris maintenant, je veux apprendre bien francais vraiment. Je parle bien chinois, les deux mandarine et cantonais. si vous voulez apprendre le chinois et l'anglais, je peux etre votre professeur.

Je vous attends!


Language pair: French; Chinese, Mandarin
Tat C.
November 22, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Mongolian language

I've just joined this site and am searching for someone to exchange language skills in Mongolian and Chinese (Mandarin). I'm based in London, UK and am originally Mongolian but grew up abroad so would like to get back in touch with my native languages before I travel there later in the year.

Many thanks, Tana

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; Mongolian
November 19, 2006

# Msgs: 5
Latest: June 1, 2008
Hello, exchange chinese mandarin to french
Je viens de Beijing. Maintenant, j'habit a Montreal et je suis etudiant a UQAM pour le niveau avancee 1 de francais ecrit pour non-francophone. J'ai habite en France pendant 3 ans. j'aimerais bien faire un marche d'echange, vous avez besoin apprendre le chinois mandarin et le culture et la tradition de Chine. Et j'amie bien pratiquer le francais et l'anglais. Et plus, c'est aussi ravi de vous connaitre.

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; 
November 7, 2006

# Msgs: 1

chinese exchange for english:)
I enjoy learning english very much!!! I am already pretty good but still have lot of things that i would like to know , especially western culture and way of thinking.
I am a senior university student (major in business administration)from xi'an,china.(a great city full of history and culture) I am a girl who loves making friends with diverse backgroud. I hope i can go to states in the future to pursue my MBA education.
this is my first time to join an international chatting room, hope to hear from u soon^_^

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
Jin L.
November 5, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:chinese girl looking for spanish or english speaker~
Hi! My name is Ana and i'm 17.
If you want i can help you with spanish! Just contact me because i'm not a gold member.
See you!

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; Spanish
Ana R.
October 16, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 22, 2007
CHINA, Shanghai - Seeking LE
Hi I would like to find someone to exchange with in person - Please contact me.

I can teach English in exchange for Chinese.

Thank you

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
Luc B.
October 6, 2006

# Msgs: 1

"Im a new one" that's message and find Kirara and Paul and another girl.
Ok, if Kirara see this message will be great!
I can't reply your message and I don't know why. So I just can write here to you, Kirara.
You ask me if I have e-mail or not, I have.
This is my: njxxxer-every at yahoo.com.cn at=@
I am soory for write too late.
And I want tell Paul and er....Ma...Im sorry I forget your name. She is spanish girl. In that message I wrote wrong e-mail and I am really really sorry. That's my right mail add.
bye!(I hope this message could publish anyway)

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; 
None N.
October 5, 2006

# Msgs: 1

hi im new
hi im 17 female from england.i currently am learning chinese mandarin.i like hanging with friends,shopping,reading and listing to music.i like talking to new people.

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
October 3, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Hi, I'm Lisa to look for language exchange of Chinese-Mandarin for Spanish or English
Hi Lisa, I´m a spanish girl.
I´m interested in learn your language and culture.If you want ,i can teach my language. I´m not a gold member.so we have to contact in this forum.
I wait your reply,

Language pair: Spanish; Chinese, Mandarin
September 27, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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