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Language > English
Category > Teacher Training/Teaching Abroad

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Hablar - To speak
Hello everybody !

I would like to speak English with some people to improve myself and I'm ready to help people speaking French wich is my native tong.

Hola !
Quiero hablar español con gente por mejorarme y estoy dipuesta a ayudar gente para hablar francès que es mi lengua materna.
Hasta pronto.

Language pair: English; Spanish
August 2, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 18, 2006
Re:Re:I can help you learn Bahasa Indonesia
I am a chinese boy,about to Indonesia in future. I am interested with there cuture.I hope you can help me learning English ,I will
practice chinese in return. if you are interest you will contact with me .

Language pair: Indonesian (Bahasa); English
July 30, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 30, 2006
iwant practise tagalog i give you german!!
hallo you do you speak tagalog?? i wanna learn this language!i am from germany i can teach you german !!i want to learn it cuz my mom is philippina but she did not teach me!So here i am !please help me

Language pair: German; English
helen m.
July 26, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Spanish teacher in Tokyo
Hello, Im spanish native speaker, Im from latinamerica. I like to travel, I love the Japanese history, peoples, art and cultural events. I like to dance latinamerica music SALSA. I will be in Tokyo in the middle of september. I like to learn Japanese. If you like to teach me japanese I can to teach Spanish for you in Tokyo. I wait for you, contact to me. Bye.

Language pair: Spanish; English
Milciades R.
July 10, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:learn german ... and help in english, chinese or french
Hi Inga,

welcome to China! I'm living and working in Shanghai. Where are you going to visit in August?

Very interested in learning German from the very beginning. I have taken some courses of Teaching Chinese as a foreign Language, hope can help you a little.

Pls feel free to send email to me.


Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Violet W.
July 5, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:I need help learning spanish please in exchange i will help teach you english
Puedo ayudarte con tu español, porque necesito crecer en mi ingles. Seleccioname, porque al ser miembro regular, no puedo contactarte.

Language pair: English; Spanish
diego a.
July 3, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Advise on teaching abroad

just a short introduction - my name is Ari, college student in Toronto, studying animation (awesome program)

I'm looking for advise/help, etc in regards to teaching English abroad.

Would really love to work in Korea or Japan - something in the animation field, but will go in teaching English first to get familiar with the society.

Anyone with experience who wishes to share them with me I would greatly appreciated.

Thanks ^^


Language pair: English; 
Ari g.
June 28, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:Who speaks English and French?
Bonjour, Arnaud,

Merci beaucoup pour votre response!!! Vous m'aidez. Je vais ecrire vos corrections dans un cahier pour etudier. Encore, merci beaucoup.

Pour votre anglais, c'est mieux de dire "I have corrected your mistakes" instead of "I have correct your mistakes".

Ecrivez bientot. Denise

Language pair: English; French
June 27, 2006

# Msgs: 6
Latest: April 23, 2008
Re:Who speaks English and French?
Bonjour, Arnaud,

Merci beaucoup pour votre response. S'il vous plait, aidez-moi avec ma francais. Dit moi dans votre response tous les corrections dans cette lettre a vous. Quand vous disez "I'm really interested to improve my English with you", c'est mieux a dite "I'm really interested in improving my English with you". S'il vous plait, fait la meme chose avec cette lettre.

Thank you for your letter. Please, help me with my French! Tell me in your response all the corrections I need to make in my letter to you. When you say ".........", it is better to say "........". Please, do the same thing with my letter to you.

Language pair: English; French
June 24, 2006

# Msgs: 6
Latest: April 23, 2008
Re:Re:Who speaks English and French?
Bonjour, Arnaud,

Je m'appelle Denise. J'habite aux etats-unis. J'apprend le francais maintenant. Si vous voulez, ecrivez moi pour practiquer votre anglais. Je vous ecrit en francais (et anglais si vous voulez). J'espere ecouter bientot de vous. Merci.

Language pair: English; French
June 22, 2006

# Msgs: 6
Latest: April 23, 2008
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