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beautiful places to visit in China
I hope I'm putting this question in the right forum, especially for those who know first-hand. What are the most scenic and beautiful places to visit in China? I'm thinking in terms of natural scenery, not big and crowded cities. I know China is so big and there are so many choices, but if you have a suggestion or opinion, please share. I heard these three provinces were particularly nice: Yunnan (like the city, Dali), Guanxi and Xinjiang.

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
February 28, 2006

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 7, 2006
Roma 23-30 Maggio '06
Farò una vacanza a Roma durante l’ultima settimana di maggio e cerco qualcuno/a con cui praticare un po d’italiano. Resterò a un convento che dovrebbe un’esperienza interessante. Conosco la Roma quasi quasi, ma sarebbe meglio se possa guardare diversi luoghi in compania, e discuterne ai piedi. Ha un mezza giorno per farlo?

Language pair: English; Italian
charles s.
February 25, 2006

# Msgs: 1

wanted eurotrip road friends !!!
i'm tv program co-director and radio programmer... traveling at new tv programme's in europen 25 country ... i want this 3 popular language(English, French,German) sufficiently to learn.msn.serdar_klc
And Turkish, Türkçe'nin en önemli cümlelerinden baþlayýp, en derin anlamlarýný keþfetmek için...
starup very improtant sentence Turkish(Türkçe), in depth meaning discovery for Türkçe...

Language pair: Turkish; English
serdar K.
February 19, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Hello Christy,

am 32 man from Saudi, I never been to Turkey but I really very keen to visit it. Just to tell you that istanbul is a historical treasure, make sure to go all around it ... and am waiting to hear from you after your visit. What time you going there?

Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; English
Lazordy L.
February 18, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 18, 2006
want to learn Italian
Hi My name is Dot. I live in the states and I'm looking for someone that can help me learn Italian. I have been trying to teach myself for the past year or so and I think I would be very helpful to have an Italian to help me and in return I'll be happy to help with English.
I' married with grown children. We have traveled to Italy and want to return to search for family records and need to know the language.
Thanks for ant assistance....

Language pair: English; Italian
Dot C.
February 14, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Where to stay in Sicily
Ciao: Voglio andare in Sicilian in settembre. Vorrei sapere dove sono le pensioni buone. Anche vorrei parlare meglio italiano. English is my native language.

Language pair: Italian; English
February 13, 2006

# Msgs: 1

You'll find there is a lot more to do in Kyoto than in Tokyo. Tokyo is the modern capital of Japan, but has only been so for around 400 years. Kyoto was the capital for much longer, therefore you'll find many older buildings and cultural sites.

You're going to see a lot of temples and shrines in Kyoto, so it is important to know the difference. A shrine (jinja) is dedicated to the shinto religion. A temple (otera) is Buddhist. Most of the temples and shrines are well known for their gardens which are absolutely beautiful. You'll also see people tying notes onto trees and throwing money into a box and ringing a bell. This is a form of prayer. People often go to the shrines or temples when there is something specific they need or want. You'll often see students in their school uniforms doing this right before exam time!

One of my favorites is Ryoan-ji which has a very famous rock garden. I highly recommend taking some time at this temple to just sit and contemplate the rocks. You'll learn a little about Buddhism and about yourself, as well. The ancient Japanese used to incorporate rocks into their landscapes because they believed that they grew like plants (only much slower... Research the words to their national anthem in English. It's really cool) Also, make sure you check out the devices the gardeners use to keep away deer and other animals. Very ingenious...

It is a good idea to take a guided tour of Kyoto. If you choose not to, taxis can get you almost anywhere you need to go. If you're more adventurous, you can rent bicycles. I did this once and it was a lot of fun.

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Jon A.
February 6, 2006

# Msgs: 1

I'm visiting Beijing at the beggining of march
Hello, my name is Jordi and I'm planning a travel to China the first week of March, so if anybody is interested in showing the city and during that in the mean time practise your english or spanish, please leave a message. It would be great

Language pair: Spanish; English
February 6, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Accommodation needed
Hi, I am from Australia and my 3 children and I plan to visit Austria either end of this year or next year (2007), and would love advice on cheap accommodation. Also happy to help anyone with their English practice.

Language pair: English; German
January 28, 2006

# Msgs: 1

I want to speak English, I can teach German.

I´m a 56 year old teacher (grammar school) in Germany (Bavaria, near Munich).
My academics are Geography, Econimics und Informatic. I try to improve my English, because I want to travel in the next years.
I can help you to speak an write German.
If you are interested, we can speak over ´Skype´. I am no gold member.

Language pair: English; German
Robert M.
January 28, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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