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Category > Study Abroad

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my name is thara and I search for some nice friends who can teach me: english,spanish,french,portuguese and sinhalese!
I could teach you german!!!!!!
Please send me a mail cause I am not a gold member...

Language pair: English; German
thara s.
September 3, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 21, 2008
Re:i am looking for a German postgraduate
Hey lulu,
I´m from Germany and only speaks english and of course german^^
Perhaps you want to write me.
I think, it would be very interesting to learn some quotes from arabic from you.

Language pair: German; English
August 24, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 24, 2008
Re:Hi people!
Hey Marina,
I want to study english, too.
I´m from Germany, so I could help you in german.^^
Perhaps you could contact me, when you want, because I´m no goldmember, sorry.^^

Language pair: German; English
August 24, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 24, 2008
Studying or working in Scotland
One of both I'm going to do, in fact I hope to study there. And for that I'm looking for a language exchange to pass the entry test of the university well. Can somebody from the UK, if possible Scotland help me to improve my skills and take my fear of failing by that?? cheers in advance, Ani

Language pair: German; English
July 16, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Hungarian-English speaker looking for German speakers
My name is Antal. I am from New York, USA. My native language is hungarian, but have no problem with english either. I speak, read, and write fluently in both languages. I am looking for someone who I can practice my german since I am moving to Europe to study next year. If anyone interested in learning hungarian or english I'd be happy to help in return. I am not a gold member, please reply to this forum!
Thanks for looking!

Language pair: Hungarian; German
Antal B.
June 29, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Chinesich - Deutsch
hi, ich kann auch deutsch, ich bin kolumbiener, und bin nun in kolumbien, ich lerne chinesisch, english, ich möchte dir gern kennelernen, schreib mir jetzt.

ich heiße rrobinson, einem meines Traumnes ist zum beijing spielen gehen, Weisst du, wie kann ich es tun?

ok, zaijian.

Meine muttersprache ist spanisch.

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; German
robinson c.
June 15, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 15, 2008
I want to talk with international people
I`m 14 years old and I`m from Germany.
I want to improve my english and got to know new people.
If anyone is interesting, please write me a message!!!


Language pair: German; English
May 6, 2008

# Msgs: 7
Latest: July 20, 2008
Re:English looking for info on studying abroad!
I`m a litle bit younger.( I`m fourteen years old) But I hope, that is not important for you.
I´m interested to talk with you,too.
I live in Germany and I hope that you understand my english, that I learned at school.

Language pair: German; English
May 6, 2008

# Msgs: 5
Latest: May 13, 2008
Re:Chinesich - Deutsch
hello want to be my penpal

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; German
alice o.
March 10, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 15, 2008
Chinesich - Deutsch
ich heiße Fanglei. jetzt bin ich in Heidelberg. ich möchte eine tandempartner besuchen. zwischen 18-30 jahre alt ist besser.

ich wohne immer in Peking und kann ich sehr gut Mandarin sprechen, ohne Dialekt!

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; German
March 7, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 15, 2008
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