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Nadiya, I grew up in the US and majored in English in college. I am very interesting in practicing/learning Russian. I would be happy to help.
Language pair: English; Russian
Ian M.
February 2, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Teaching Chinese Abroad
I am a Chinese girl living in Shanghai. I have been working for a German promotion company for one year as assistant to GM and for a American company for more than one and half year as business analyst. I'm interested in international culture very much. I have taught my foreign friends, colleagues as well as my boss how to speak Chinese, Mandarin, write and spell in Pinyin. I can speak English fluently, and we communicate with each other by English during learning. If there are some opportunities to teach Chinese, Mandarin abroad, please feel free to contact me. Many thanks.
Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
Violet W.
January 26, 2005
# Msgs: 1
English exchange for Mandarin
I'm looking for someone in the Pittsburgh Pennsylvania U.S.A. area to exchange English for Mandarin.I just started speaking Mandarin appreciate all the help I can get.
Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Samquan 2.
December 26, 2004
# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 26, 2010
Re:Mick Mckenna
Well, in Italy the system it's a bit different than in UK. I know that in UK you can find adverts on newspapers and so on. In Italy, more than 96% of schools (from 6 years to 19 years)are state schools. So when they need some new teachers, they ask to a public list where there are unemployed teachears. Some years ago, the name of this public office was "Provveditorato agli Studi", maybe now the name is changed, you can find one of this office in every Provincia (County). For the few private schools thinghs are different, you have to ask them straight and keep in contact with them.
Language pair: English; Italian
December 26, 2004
# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 26, 2004
Mick Mckenna
Hi my names Mick i am interested in teaching Mathematics in Italy does any one have any information regarding the possibility of this. Where to look? how are jobs advertised etc.
Language pair: English; Italian
mick m.
December 21, 2004
# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 26, 2004
Re:Re: Teaching Spanish and traveling in Costa Rica (Heredia)
Hi Alejandria:
Even you are not asking for an opinion I want to say the mine:
If you like people in Costa Rica and you like the language, simply, life it, enjoy it! and dont worry about if it is an useful or productive activite or not. Life is full of problems, litle stones and several inconvenients (?) one must go thru and when there is in front of you something that you like and It is not bad for nobody ....then go ahead... Study Spanish NOW IF YOU CAN DO IT and later you will see if you can take any benefits or not of this.
Good Luck! You can write me and email me for exchange Spanish-English.
Regards, Mary
Language pair: English; Spanish
maryjaponte l.
December 7, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Re:Do you want to learn Spanish?
¡Hola! Me pregunto si se ya acabó tu ímpetu comunicativo o qué si acaso todavía tendrías ganas de compartir tus destrezas lingüisticas con un aficionado del español. Lo que yo quiera es una compañera o un compañero de correspondencia con quién pueda cambiar experiencias y opiniones sobre una multitúd de temas como artes y cultura, política, sociedad, historia, filosofía o sea qué sea. No tengo ningún problema para comprender los textos más exigentes, pero lo que me falta es la habilidad de expresarme en una forma más vívida y, claro, gramáticamente correcta. Por ejemplo, no estoy seguro qué es mejor: tener problema para comprender o acaso tener problema acerca de comprender; la habilidad de expresarme o la habilidad para expresarme. Aparte de la conversación culta puedo ofrecerte mis conocimientos de la lengua alemana y de las lenguas eslavas del sur europeo y de las sociedades respectivas.
Me gustaría recibir tu respuesta.
Language pair: Spanish; English
Aleksandar D.
December 3, 2004
# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 3, 2004
E/J exchange
Japanese teacher wants to do E/J exchange who can meet or talk online with me constantly. I'm Japanese female living in Yokohama.
Language pair: English; Japanese
October 30, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Re:Re:Teaching English - Practicing Spanish for you
Hola Paloma
Si todavia estas interesada en practicar tu Español yo estoy disponible, con mucho gusto.
No soy miembro Dorado, pero si tu no eres podemos practicar con la Cartelera.
Con respecto a las plantas: Sabes que en la segunda semana de Septiembre se realizara en Caracas, Venezuela una exposicion de Orquidea a nivel Nacional. En la red aparecen bellas fotografias de las orquideas bajo el nombre Asociacion venezolana de Orquideologia. Con respecto a la musica busca en la cartelera en la seccion Musica dos canciones que envie con letra en español y en ingles.
Escribe si todavia estas interesada,
Cordialñ Saludo,
Language pair: Spanish; English
maryjaponte l.
September 9, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Re: Can someone help me with learning spanish please?
Hola Claire:
I can help you with laearning Spanish.
Puedo ayudarte a aprender Español, con mucho gusto.
En especial, me gustaría enseñarte vocabulario de Salud. Specially, I would like to teach yoy Health Vocabulary.
Lets see: The verb "to Help" Puedo ayudarle? Can I help you?
Me gusta ayudar a la gente - I like to help people
Los paises ricos ayudan a los paises pobres The rich Nations help the poor Nations.
Yo ayudo a mi hija a lavar su ropa. I help to my daughter to washing her clothes
Tu ayudas o otros a conocer el Inglés You help others to know the English
If you want and are interested I can help you with Spanish Si tu quieres y estás interesada, puedo ayudarte con español.
Espero saber pronto de tí
Language pair: Spanish; English
maryjaponte l.
August 24, 2004
# Msgs: 1