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Hi Adam,
It sounds like you are on the right track. I've been studying Spanish actively for a couple of years now, and playing my movies on DVD in Spanish, both with and without the Spanish subtitles has been a big help.
With the books, I found it helpful to start easy by reading children's books: The Spanish Translation of Winnie-the-Pooh was a lot of fun, and it was very interesting to see how puns from the English were rendered in Spanish. A novel called Esperanza Renace, originally written in Spanish, was wonderful, too, for the enlightening picture of the lives of Mexican campesinos working in California.
I soon worked up to Spanish translations of the Harry Potter books, which, as Frauke Buero points out (message 43737, this bulletin board), are great fun in any language. From there I was into Laura Esquivel's Como Agua Para Chocolate, a very fine piece of literature; and soon I was reading Spanish translations of Shakespeare plays, and even La Poema del Cid, an epic poem written in the 13th century in Spain. I was amazed to discover that it was actually easier for me to pick up the Spanish of 800 years ago than it had been for me to pick up the renaissance English of Shakespeare's time.
Of course, all of this reading and watching DVD's in Spanish was very helpful for my developing fluency. But I also spend lots of time listening to the Spanish radio stations, I have several comic strips that I read in Spanish daily on the Internet, and I try very hard to speak Spanish with others whenever I get a chance. Speaking Spanish out loud feels like trying to write with my left hand--especially with native speakers: It's very uncomfortable. It makes my stomach knot up, and I feel miserably shy, which is a really weird feeling for a ham like me. But the only way to get over the feeling is to practice speaking until it goes away. And very slowly, it does.
Adam, I wish you and all of us who have the courage and the passion to do this very rewarding work all of the very best of joy and success!
Mark Springer Sacramento, CA, USA Speaking: English, Spanish Studying: Spanish, Portuguese Studied: German, Turkish, Mandarin Chinese Played with: Russian, Hebrew, Latin, Tagalog, French, Sign language.
Language pair: English; Spanish
Mark S.
February 12, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Re:Favourite English (Audio) Books
I've been listening to the auidio CD's of Isaac Asimov's I, Robot. The reader is just a tad nerdy, but the stories are excellent!
I also read the Harry Potter books often, both in English and in Spanish. I haven't tried them in German yet.
Mark Springer
Language pair: Spanish; German
Mark S.
February 10, 2005
# Msgs: 1
I like to read the last books that I read were The Da Vinci Code and Azul de Ruben Dario.
Language pair: Spanish; English
Adriana L.
December 30, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Re:Re:Re:the poetry - Desiderata
Hi Ketty
Thanks a lot for the Poetry. It is special! I love it very much
As soon I have the time I will write in Sanish to the BBoard and you will be able to copy it.
I write frecuently, no gold too.
Look at in Others some "Lessons" for Spanish Student" I dont know your level and accordind to it I can send messages to you.
By....Kisses for your Poetry MaryJAponte
Language pair: English; Spanish
maryjaponte l.
October 4, 2004
# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 4, 2004
Re:the poetry - Look for "DESIDERATA"
Hello lPoetry lover: I am looking for one poetry , like a letter, founded at one church at Baltimore, United States, named "DESIDERATA" o something like that. This is one opinion of how you must see the life and is very realistic. If you can finf in, please write it for me. I have one of this, but in Spanish, my native tongue. Going up quitely between the noise and the agiteted movement and remember that you can find peace in the Silent Untill where it is possible to you try to be in order with your conciencius give with hapiness the things of love,but not been //cinicus /CINICO in love Keep the interest in your own career. It is the only real possesion in the changes of fortune thru the times. and remember you have the right to be hear you are a criature from the universe fight / LUCHAR / for been Happy
I would like if you can find the original english text. I am sure you will like it very much.
Regard Mary
Language pair: English; Spanish
maryjaponte l.
July 15, 2004
# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 4, 2004
Re:does anyone know any books that are good for teaching italian or spanish???
Hello / Hola respuesta a tu pregunta: No hay ningun libro bueno para aprender español rápido. Creo que lo mejor es esto que esta planteado en este intercambio de idiomas. Si te gusta español, pon atencion a la letra de las canciones, hay un sitio en la red : tiene letra y sonido, si me contactas puedo ayudarte con el signmificado de algunas y puedes mandarme alguna copiada en ingles con la explicacion, no la traduccion de lo que significa. Las canciones viejas dicen más. En español tienes , por ejemplo a rmando Manzanero, Enrique Iglesias, Alejandro Sanz, Shakira,Jose Feliciano, El trio Los Panchos ( muy viejas) Alejandro Fernandez, Empieza por alli y veras que no es tan difícil Saludos y espero que me escribas pronto a traves del B Board preferible seccion Otros . Un abrazo, Mary
Language pair: Spanish; English
maryjaponte l.
July 3, 2004
# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 3, 2004
April 25, 2004
# Msgs: 1
literatura y cine
Hola amigos!
En mis anos de estudio he visto que me gusta hacer algo con literatura y cine. Me pregunto a alguien de Latin- America puede ayudarme, porque me gustaria estudiar la literatura en un universidad de Latin- America. Tambien, si te gusta la literatura, y te gusta intercambiar ideas contactame!
Beso, Vera
Language pair: Spanish; All
May 11, 2003
# Msgs: 1