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Re:Re:Re:My Study Abroad Experience
Hola, me llamo reneé, soy una maestra de español. me qustaría hablar en español contigo/a

Language pair: English; Spanish
renee r.
June 3, 2007

# Msgs: 8
Latest: June 3, 2007
Re:I need help with my oral English Skills
Hola, me llamo Reneé, yo puedo ayudarle . Yo soy una estudiente de español y yo necesito ayuda con mi español. ¿ puede ud ayudarme/

Language pair: Spanish; English
renee r.
June 3, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: June 16, 2007
Re:Exchange Visit

I am Janice from Singapore. I will be going to HK soon and I need to learn cantonese. Do you think you can teach me? I can help you with your English in exchange. Hope to hear from you soon!

Language pair: English; English
June 1, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Gibt's hier Deutschstudenten/-innen die in Amerika studiert haben?
Hallo! Bin Amerikaner, die 9 Monate in Stuttgart wohnte. Ich moechte gern mit Deutschstudenten/-innen sprechen, die in Amerika studiert haben... Ich liebe ueber Kulturelleunterschiede diskutieren, und ueber Erfahrungen bei Auslandszeit. Gibt's jemand?

Language pair: English; German
Lynz M.
June 1, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Gibt's hier Deutschstudenten/-innen die in Amerika studiert haben?
Hallo! Bin Amerikaner, die 9 Monate in Stuttgart wohnte. Ich moechte gern mit Deutschstudenten/-innen sprechen, die in Amerika studiert haben... Ich liebe ueber Kulturelleunterschiede diskutieren, und ueber Erfahrungen bei Auslandszeit. Gibt's jemand?

Language pair: English; German
Lynz M.
June 1, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Im thinking about going to Spain
salamanca is the languange capital of the country. my friend went there and learned a lot. in barcelona, they speak catalan and not many will go out of their way to speak to you in english there. you might have a hard time. salamanca, if you ask me.

Language pair: English; Spanish
isabel g.
May 30, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 30, 2007
who wants to learn swahili?
Hey, did you know that swahili is such an interesting language spoken by about a fifth of afica's population? interested in learning then I can do that

Language pair: English; English
njeru a.
May 28, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:l love these languages
hello check my profile! i am a native greek speaker frpm athens. i study in the netherlands!

Language pair: English; 
chrysa k.
May 25, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 25, 2007
I need help with my oral English Skills
Hi, my name is Javier and I am from Perú. I have not used my English for so long and it is starting to get a little bit rusty... I need help, in return I can help you with spanish.. I also speak some french.


Language pair: Spanish; English
Javier M.
May 23, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: June 16, 2007
l love these languages
hello to everyone who wants to exchange views with me in English or Greek or Chinese

Language pair: English; 
May 23, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 25, 2007
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