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Re:Re:Re:I can give help in English
Hi Giselle ;-)!
Do you have a skype (Aggie9979)? or google mail (Aggie79)? or msn(Aggie9979) or ICQ (Aggie)? That is the way, you can find me. Drop me a line ;-).
See you ;-)

Language pair: English; French
February 21, 2007

# Msgs: 7
Latest: February 23, 2007
Re:Re:I can give help in English
Hi Aggie
I'd be happy to help you with English, probably not in French as much, as I've only started my second year of learning it.
The only problem is that I'm not a gold-member either. Any way we can get around this?
Hope to hear from you soon,
Giselle ;)

Language pair: English; French
February 21, 2007

# Msgs: 7
Latest: February 23, 2007
Re:I can give help in English
Hello Giselle,
you can help me in my English or French. I'm not a gold member, but you can see my profil...
I come from Poland.
Have a nice day.

Language pair: English; French
February 20, 2007

# Msgs: 7
Latest: February 23, 2007
I can GIVE help in English/ je peux DONNER l'aide pour l'anglais/ Puedo dar la ayuda para el inglés
I'm happy to give help in English if anybody needs it. I'm a 17 year-old from Australia, so I'm fluent in English of course ;)

Je peux donner l'aide en anglais. J'ai 17 ans et d'Australie, ainsi je suis à l'aise en anglais naturellement ;)

Puedo darte ayuda en inglés. Soy 17 y de Australia, así que soy fluido en inglés, por supuesto ;)


Language pair: English; French
February 20, 2007

# Msgs: 1

I can give help in English
Hi everyone, just a note to say that if anybody would like help in English, feel free to contact me. I'm from Australia, speak fluent English, and also study it at a high level at secondary school, so there's no need to worry about me making grammar mistakes ;)
Look forward to helping you,
P.s.- I'd love to hear about you and your country too.

Language pair: English; French
February 19, 2007

# Msgs: 7
Latest: February 23, 2007
Salut abdoulaye
Hi abdoulaye fofane, merci pour reponse. Je suis Vanessa. Je habite en Allemande. I would like to write you more in french but i forgot so many words. Hope you can help me. How are you doing?

Language pair: English; French
February 17, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 17, 2007
Hi Kelli
Thank you for your answer. I would like to contact you and help you with Vietnamese but i dont know how. Do you have an email account? I look forward to hearing from you. Take care.

Language pair: English; French
February 16, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Looking for penfriends/I am not a gold member
Hi, i'm a 23 years old vietnamese girl but i have been living in Germany when i was young. I would like to improve my English and French. It would be nice if you can help me. If you need help with German or Vietnamese i can help you because i speak this two languages fluently. Anyway, if you speak Spanish you can teach me Spanish too.I have started to learn this language since February. Hope to hear from you soon. Take care

Language pair: English; French
February 15, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 17, 2007
Re:Re:Re:Coucou d'australie/ hey from Australia :)
Hi Patricia!
I can talk with you in English or French if you want :-) but I think I speak English better than French.
I live in Poland ;-)
You can write to me, but at the moment I don't know how. I'm not a gold member :-/.
Sometimes I'm here in the Chat rooms.
See you

Language pair: French; English
February 15, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 15, 2007
Re: Re: Coucou d'australie/ hey from Australia :)
Hi Alexandre.

That's great. I'm pretty open minded myself :)Oh and I looove talking too ;)
The only problem is that I'm not a gold member...
Any way to get around this?
Also, how many years of English have you learnt so far?
hope to hear from you soon.
A bientot,

Language pair: English; French
February 15, 2007

# Msgs: 1

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