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Re:IF you want to improve German or Russian
hi, i'm robert from England. i want to practice German so lets set something up!

Language pair: English; German
robert c.
May 14, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 14, 2007
Re:Re:HELLO in any language
thanx chloexxx

Language pair: English; German
May 14, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: May 14, 2007
Search a penpal / mailfriend from the USA or France / write me in english, I will teach you in german
Ich bin ein 24jähriger Österreicher der in Deutschland wohnt. Meine Hobbies sind kochen, lesen, Musik hören, mein Beruf (Mode und Textil), schwimmen, telefonieren, einkaufen, mechanische Uhren, DVD schauen, Kaffee trinken, Sushi und Cocktails.
Würde mich freuen wenn ich jemanden hier finde der mit mir in Englisch oder Deutsch schreibt.+++I am a 24 year´s old austrian boy who lives in germany. My hobbies are cooking, reading books, listen music, my job (fashion & textile), swimming, telephoning, shopping, mechanical timepieces, watch TV and DVD´s, drink coffee, Sushi and Cocktails.

I hope a find here a person (prefered female´s) who write with me in english or german.
please contact me, I am not a Goldmember.

Language pair: English; German
May 13, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:18yr old M Ireland - need help with french & spanish
Well, I'm not much on French, but I'm rather good with Spanish. If you need any help at all, feel free to ask.

Language pair: Spanish; German
Paz C.
May 10, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: May 14, 2007
Do you want to learn German??

My name is Sarah and I'm from Germany/ Bavaria. I can teach you German and my slang and it'll be nice if someone can help me in English. Sorry, but I'm not a gold member and therefore I can't contact you! It will be really nice if someone can write me back. I'm interested in slang, too, of course.

Language pair: German; 
May 10, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 15, 2007
Leute aus Bulgarien
Hallo, ich bin 32 und war letzten Sommer in Bulgarien in den Ferien und würde gerne mit Leuten von dort chatten oder mailen, natürlich auch von anderen Ländern in Europa. Ich spreche Englisch ond Französisch, Deutsch ist meine Muttersprache.

Language pair: German; English
sommer f.
May 10, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Hey at all!
I'm from germany and I'd like to improve my english...
I LOVE<3<3 music...and I play e-guitar .... I ike sport
and play football...is there someone who can help me?

Language pair: German; English
Angela F.
May 9, 2007

# Msgs: 1

help wanted
Hello, my name is Juliane and I'm from Germany. I'm searching for people who can help me to learn English better. My English is not bad but it could be much better.
I'm interesting in pets and my hobbies are swimming, listen to music, reading books and work on my computer. If you are interested than you can mail me.


Language pair: German; English
Juliane N.
May 9, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Would you like to learn Hungarian?
Hi Agi,

I've just started to learn some basic Hungarian. I can help you in English. If you're interested, pls send me an email.


Language pair: Hungarian; German
May 8, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 8, 2007
I am 20 years old.
I want to learn some languages they are Englisch, German, Italy.
I can teach you Japanese.
And I'm looking for PENPALS in other countries.
If you are interested in me, pleese send message.

Language pair: German; Japanese
Yuki Y.
May 7, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 27, 2007
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