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Re:Re:Hi1 Interested in practising Mandarin and/or Japanese
Hi Miska!

That would be great!
I have an msn and yahoo address. (j_lass2000)
Hope to hear from you soon!

Language pair: English; Japanese
Jessica Y.
August 15, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 15, 2006
Thank you for having a French learner
Comment ça va?
Like some of you, I am learning French. I am still getting familiar with this site. I am excited about it, and I hope to give and receive help. I could help you with your English if you can help me with my French.
A candle loses nothing by lighting another.


Language pair: English; French
David F.
August 15, 2006

# Msgs: 1

hi my name is jana and i`m a 15 years old girl from germany. i`m a very very new member and i`m looking for some nice people to contact me. (i`m not yet a goldmember, so i can`t connect others)
i love sports, music, books, movies, animals, icecream....
and i want to improve my english. so come on, if you are nice and live in an englishspeaking country, please watch my profil an answer me! ;oD LOVE JANA

Language pair: German; English
August 14, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 15, 2006
Re:Looking for Friends!!!
How do u think of me?

Language pair: English; Italian
August 13, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Anyone want to learn English
Hi Paula.
If You want to learn Italian I'm ready to help You. Let me know :)
Andrea ( Andrew )

Language pair: English; Afrikaans
August 13, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Hi1 Interested in practising Mandarin and/or Japanese

My name's Jess from Australia. I'm a 22 year old mum looking to learn Mandarin and /or Japanese so that I can pass that on to my son.

I come from a indo/chinese family, but we do not practise the language. I've been to the U.S.A (it's where I was born), Indonesia (spent 16 years there), and now living in Australia.

I can help anyone with he english or bahasa language in return. And mayve some travel advice as well???

I have both msn and yahoo.
Don't be shy to contact me.

Language pair: English; Indonesian (Bahasa)
Jessica Y.
August 13, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 15, 2006
Re:New Regular Member
My name is Eva. I'm 27 years old. I'm spanish and I would like to help with spanish and I hope that you help me with english.
See you soon.

Language pair: English; Spanish
Eva G.
August 12, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Hey tutti!!
Hello chris,
I'm an italian who's living in Luxembourg and if you want I can help you with this beautiful language...and you can help me with english, because I need to improve it!
Note: I'm not a gold member!
A presto,

Language pair: English; Italian
blues ..
August 12, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Somebody want to learn Portuguese?
my name is Christine and I'm coming from Austria.
are u goldmemeber?


Language pair: German; English
August 11, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 15, 2006
hi [I am me]
hallo!I love music
u can click my name to see what kind of music do I like and send me messages .
I speak Chinese very well;>
I want to learn German or something else
(u can see all I want to say by clicking me)

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
August 10, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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