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December 20, 2006
# Msgs: 1
Re:international new friends
so hey waz up we want to be your friend do you know cambodian at all we're american i just started this new site thing i want to connect with you so t-e-x-t MEEEEE
Language pair: English; German
larisie s.
December 16, 2006
# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 16, 2006
hey there, i´m an 18 year-old from germany, i´m still going to school and i´m just trying to finish my a-levels. i think i could help you learn english, german and spanish because i learn all of these languages at school at the moment! if i´m very lukcy, i´ll spend about one year in japan to do my community service year there, but yet i know nothing about japanese! it would be truely great if we could help each other out!
mfg ^^
Language pair: German; English
Tobias W.
November 30, 2006
# Msgs: 1
To the man who want to learn Vietnamese.
Hello there.I read that you want to learn Vietnamese in order to get the Taiwan girl'heart.It's interesting.I can teach you and help you to gain your Vietnamese.I want you teach me more English.I'm going to study aboard.Do you agree? By the way ,my name is Hoang Linh,come from viet Nam.I live in Hanoi.Now I'm 18 years old.In my country,you can call me "em".That's the way you call people who are underage to you.
Language pair: English; Vietnamese
Linh L.
November 29, 2006
# Msgs: 1
Re:international new friends
Hi friend, i am a cambodian girl. currently, i am a senoir college student in an university in Phnom Penh. i like reading and listening to music. especially i like to learn more in my English also. School course material are in English. finally, i am delighted to practise English and hope that we all can improve.
Language pair: Cambodian (Khmer); English
sophea c.
November 22, 2006
# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 16, 2006
Re:I am going to study abroad.
Hello! Anjelika I've beeen London more then year and studied there english. I think it is preference you to decide studying there. There is offcourse diffuculties waiting for you but you gonne get precious things as you experience diffuculties. It is such colorfull place to live in all the world you can find. I am also planning to go back London soon.
Best Regards Umit
Language pair: Russian; English
umit g.
November 9, 2006
# Msgs: 1
learn English
Hello, I come from China .I want to prove my English and know friends from here.Of course ,I can teach your Chinese . I 'm gold member.If you are interested, please contact me from e-mail or skype. Have a nice day.
Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
October 30, 2006
# Msgs: 1
I want to learn turkish
Hello ,moto,I am from China ,language is very interesting thing ,and it can be use conversation and be understand each other.just for this i want to learn ,no more
Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
Bunny l.
October 23, 2006
# Msgs: 1
Re:seeking Spanish speaking penpal
Hola Sarah! Me gustaría ayudarte con el español. Yo estoy tomando clases de inglés y me gustaría practicar mi inglés contigo.
Hi Sarah! I'd like help you with spanish. I'm taking english classe and i'd like practice my english with you. I have msn, it is: milagros_dh. See you!
Language pair: English; Spanish
Ana R.
October 17, 2006
# Msgs: 1
September 18, 2006
# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 18, 2006