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Hi, am Mel, 25 of age, conversent and fluent in english and french, if i can help you, my pleasure. I wish also to learn german and make friends. Thanx, see you,
Bonjour, c mel, 25 ans,je maitrise bien l'anglais et le français, donc si je peux vous aider. Je voudrais apprendre l'allemand et me faire des amis. MErci, a bientot, mel
Language pair: French; English
mel b.
June 23, 2006
# Msgs: 1
Attention pleeeease
Hi, I am perfect in Chinese and have a good knowledge in Chinese culture. I promise you can learn a lot about the language and culture from me. In return, you can help me with my English.
Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
Claudia L.
June 22, 2006
# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 29, 2006
wanna learn English
from Taiwan ,tainan an ancient and beautiful city wanna exchange language eager to improve my English my name`s ralph speak Chinese
Language pair: English;
June 22, 2006
# Msgs: 1
New Member
Hi my name is Grace and I am 14 years old. I am looking for a Spanish pen pal who can help me learn Spanish and who I can help learn English. If you're between the ages of 12 and 25 and you speak Spanish fluently and wish to learn English, feel free to add a message!
Language pair: English; Spanish
Grace M.
June 22, 2006
# Msgs: 1
Re:hello everybody
Bonjour, Beatrice,
Ecrivez moi pour practiquer votre anglais. Je m'appelle Denise et j'ai besoin practiquer le francais. J'apprend le francais maintenant. Je cherche pour quelqu'que a m'aide avec le francais. C'etait bien ecrire en anglais et francais.
Language pair: French; English
June 22, 2006
# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 22, 2006
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:I search for an English correspondent
Bonjour, Helen,
Merci beaucoup pour votre response. J'apprend le francais maintenant aussi. Actualment, j'ai eu ma lecon de francais aujourd'hui. J'ai un prof de francais. Elle m'enseigne chez moi. Elle est un bonne prof et une bonne amie aussi. Nous nous amusons pendant nos lecons de francais. J'ai un lecon chaque mois pour deux heures.
Quand vous avez le temps, ecrivez moi. Je suis serieuse au sujet de apprendre le francais, alors, je repondrais de tous vos messages. Au revoir.
Language pair: French; English
June 21, 2006
# Msgs: 6
Latest: June 21, 2006
i am an indian born in punjab. so i have good command in this language. but im not confident about english. i need to learn this language n to have good command in this so can i deal with this present world easily and confidently. i need the help of you people. i can help in hindi and punjabi. Thanks
Language pair: English; Punjabi
Jasspreet S.
June 21, 2006
# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 19, 2008
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:I search for an English correspondent
Bonjour Denise,
Je regret ma ecrive est pas mal!!....C'est tres difficile pour moi. mais, J'etudie!...nous pouvons ecrive ici au anotre board? vous voulez choiser?
Hi Denise, I'm sorry my writing is so bad!...It is very difficult for me (right now!)...but I'm studying! We can write here or on another board. Would you like to choose? a bientot!
Language pair: French; English
Helen R.
June 20, 2006
# Msgs: 6
Latest: June 21, 2006
need to practice languages.
hi every body.I come from vietnam. I am very interested in english, german, chinese and japanese. Language can certainly bring us closer. I like to make new friends.
Language pair: Vietnamese; English
June 20, 2006
# Msgs: 1
Re:hello everybody
Bonjour Beatrice!
Je suis Americain, mais J'aime parle la langue de francais. Pardon ma mal francais ecrite. Je suis etudie! Je voudrais l'ecrite ou parle francais dans text ou voice chat. Comment nous ecriteons (sp?)... sans e-mail?
J'ai deux enfants, ma fille est huit ans et ma fils est seize mois. J'aime aller running, yoga et jouer le guitar.
Est que vous une member d'or? Je suis pas une member d'or, mais Je voudrais etre? et vous? Ecrite a bientot!
Hi Beatrice, I am American, from the U.S. . I like speaking the French language. I have been studying off and on for a few years now through a conversational group here in my town. (I didn't write that part in French!)...Pardon my bad French writing. I am studying! I would like to write or speak with you in voice or online chat or even e-mail. How are we going to write without our e-mail?
I have two children, my daughter is 8 years old and my son is 16 months. I like to go running, do yoga and play guitar (in my spare time!..ha!) Are you a gold member? I am not a gold member, but I would like to be? and you? Write back here soon! Maybe we can figure out how to learn from each other!
Language pair: French; English
Helen R.
June 19, 2006
# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 22, 2006