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Language > Italian
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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hello, I m very interested to learn that the Italian language, I could help you with your Spanish
Hola, Me llamo Noemi, soy de España (canarias). Te escribo porque me gustaría aprender italiano, y kizas tu quieres que te ayude con el español. ¿quieres? Saludos

Language pair: Italian; Spanish
Noemia M.
April 21, 2009

# Msgs: 4
Latest: April 21, 2009
I need help with a difficult expression
Hey everyone!
I just came across this expression in English: "to out-Rome Rome". Anyone knows what it could mean? Unfortunately I don't have a context for it.

Language pair: English; Italian
April 21, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 6, 2009
Re:My English in Exchange for your French or Italian?
Hi Deserée,
nice to meet you! I am Astrid and I am from Italy. I really need to improve my English and I'd like to chat with a native speaker: if you're agree, you could help me and, in return, I will help you with your Italian (I speak quite a fluent French and Spanish too).
Just let me know if you're interested and how to get in touch with each other (I am on line almost always around 9 - 9.30 pm Italian time zone).
I hope to hear from you soon...
Best regards

Language pair: French; Italian
March 18, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 18, 2009
Re:can i help you?
hello, deserée my name is stephanie sol i'm 21years and i know very well french but english is my talon d'achille (french expresion)i wait your response aurevoir!!!

Language pair: French; Italian
josée o.
March 18, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 18, 2009
Re:I wish I could learn spanish and I may teach you italian
Espero poder ayudarte con el español a mi me gustaria empezar con el italiano:¿nos ayudamos??
hablamos pronto

Language pair: Italian; Spanish
February 25, 2009

# Msgs: 4
Latest: April 21, 2009
anyone able to help me practise Italian?

Language pair: English; Italian
Chloe *.
February 9, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Re:I wish I could learn spanish and I may teach you italian
Hi Stefano, I'm from Colombia and I could help you with spanish if you help me with italian.

Language pair: Italian; Spanish
Yusef M.
January 26, 2009

# Msgs: 4
Latest: April 21, 2009
I wish I could learn spanish and I may teach you italian
Hallo to everyone,
I'm just started study spanish and i would like improve it.

I can teach italian in return.


Language pair: Italian; Spanish
January 16, 2009

# Msgs: 4
Latest: April 21, 2009
Brazilian needs language partners
Hi, I am learning Italian, French, German and want to learn Russian. If anyone want to help, please write. Thanks.

Language pair: Italian; French
December 26, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Italian speaking partner needed!
Hi. I'm English, and I want to improve my Italian. Please help me. Anneka x

Language pair: English; Italian
December 2, 2008

# Msgs: 1

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