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Re:American and English teenagers, this is for you !
Hi Charlotte!
I am a 15 year old Australian girl from Sydney and I would really like to improve my french. I have been studying it for about 2 years and I wish to learn more. I also speak some italian like you. I also have msn too. I'd love to speak with you. If you are interested please reply. I also watch the OC! It's the best!

Hope to hear from you soon!

From Ashleigh

Language pair: French; English
Ashleigh R.
August 17, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:Learning Italian in Torino
es que no podemos dejar la direccion de email aqui, y como no somos gold member yo no se lo que podriamos hacer!!
Que estudias?

Language pair: Spanish; English
August 7, 2006

# Msgs: 5
Latest: August 18, 2006
Re:Re:Learning Italian in Torino
Hola Cinzia!
Claro que me gustaría practicar contigo italiano! Aunque la verdad, mi italiano es muy pobre! Jeje... Bueno, como lo podriamos hacer? Te doy mi direccion de email o me das la tuya o como?
Hasta luego!

Language pair: Spanish; English
August 6, 2006

# Msgs: 5
Latest: August 18, 2006
i want to study in swedeish english
hello, i would like to know places in sweden to study english

Language pair: Swedish; English
vikinga f.
July 30, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Learning Italian in Torino
Hi! I´m going to Torino next September to learn Italian (Erasmus) and I´m looking for someone who can help me to improve it. I´m looking for a friendly person, no matter if your male/female, and if you´re from Torino it would be even better! I can help you with your Spanish if you like. Ciao a tutti!

Language pair: Spanish; English
July 30, 2006

# Msgs: 5
Latest: August 18, 2006
I help you in french and you help to improve my english.
I would like to improve my english with a english speaker (I like very much Ireland and Scotland). I can help you in french or teach you it. I am open-mindedness and I like to discover new culture.

Language pair: French; English
July 27, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Wish to learn Chinese
Hi,there. I am a guy who is 17 years old comes from China.I want to improve my English and I can teach you Chinese.My favourites are astronomy and football.i also like read,music and so on.I think i can be a good Chinese teacher for you.I also want to have help from you on my English.

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
David W.
July 26, 2006

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 26, 2006
Re:learning english
Hello, if you would like some help with your english, I'd be happy to help, and if you could help me with my French, that would be greatly appreciated.


Language pair: English; Spanish
Breandán M.
July 24, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:french girl wanna talk english !
Hello, my name is Breandán, and I'm looking for someone to help me learn French. I'm from Ireland and can help you with your English, and any other questions you have about this island and life here. It's not quite Great Britain, but it's not far off.

Language pair: French; English
Breandán M.
July 24, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:I'm learning Chinese Mandarin
this's Emily living in Taipei Taiwan, I will like to improving my learning, rbook
eading and listen ability of English, cus I am trying to reading more original text philosophy book
so that I can apply for and try to get my philosophy master degree
If you are interesting or as I do,
let's be friend and help each other to reach our goal
my MSN is axlight, wellcome to join me into your list.


Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
July 18, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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