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Re:Hello from Finland!
Hallo Hannu,
ich komme aus Deutschland, spreche aber auch Englisch. Ich bin leider kein Gold Member also müssten wir irgendwie anders Kontakt finden. Ich spreche kein Finnisch es würde mich aber interessieren es zu lernen.

Hi Hannu,
I come from Germany but I speak english as well. I'm sorry I'm no gold memberg either so we would have to be in contact in another way. I can't speak Finnish but I would be interested in learning it.


Language pair: English; German
March 4, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: March 30, 2007
Hi Kate,
I´m from Germany and I would be happy if you help me with english and french in exchange to my german. My french is very bad, but I hope that´s no matter.

Bye, bye

Language pair: German; English
March 3, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 3, 2007
suche jemanden der deutsch lernen möchte und mir hindi oder spanisch beibringen kann. Ich heiße Monja heinzig und bin 14 aus Deutschland. In der Schule lerne ich ausserdem Französich und Englisch. Bitte meldet euch!


Language pair: German; English
Monja H.
March 1, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 3, 2007
Re:Hallo an alle!^^/ Konnichi ha minna!^^
Hi Josi^^

Your Japanese is very good!

I am a japanese who love and respect German in
many ways .

I want to make a pen-pal with you .




Language pair: German; Japanese
February 28, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 5, 2007
Hallo an alle!^^/ Konnichi ha minna!^^
Ich suche nette Leute mit denen ich mich «äber Japan unterhalten kann. Ich war ein Jahr als Austauschsch«äler in diesem Land und m«Óchte die Sprache weiterhin festigen.

Anata ha doitsugo wo hanashitainoka? Kakitainoka? Watashi ha doitsujin dayo. Watashi ha motto nihongo wo benkyou shitainda!
isshouni yarimasenka?
(meru- de kanji wo kaite mo iiyo.^^)

W«ärde mich auf eine Antwort freuen!^^
meru- choudai.^^

Language pair: German; Japanese
February 27, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 5, 2007
ciao, eccomi qua

pero' mi pare che tu l'italiano lo conosca meglio di me....

Language pair: German; Italian
Francesco a.
February 26, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Hello to all !!! Hallo an alle!!!
Hello, Conny. I'm from Moscow, I'd be glad to help you. Also i really need help in German. So contact me anytime.

Language pair: German; Russian
Tatiana S.
February 24, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Hello from Finland!
My native language is Finnish, I can teach it to you if you want. I want to make friends with people who speak English, Swedish or German. Please contact me, it's easy (if you're gold member). I'm not.

Language pair: English; German
February 24, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: March 30, 2007
Re:Help with German
Hi, I can help you with german and would be very happy if you could help me with english.
How I can contact you?

Language pair: German; 
February 20, 2007

# Msgs: 1

I know it would be hard
I think the spelling of the English language should be changed a bit and the grammar also, but the probability of that happening isn't very good. If you agree with me than please post a message or if you're a member then contact me. I am open to suggetions so if you have any then have at it.

This is how I think it should be spellt
Dhis ise how Ie theink it shoud bei spellt

Ie theink dhe spelling uhv dhe Einglish lainguage shood bei chainjd a bit and dhe grammar also, buht dhe probability uhv dhat happening isen't vairy good. If yew agry with mei than please poste a message ore if you'r a member dhen contact mei. Ie am ohpen tu suhggestionse soh if yew hav any dhen hav at it.

Language pair: English; German
Stephen B.
February 17, 2007

# Msgs: 1

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