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Re:Italian cuisine
hi FLAVIA iam mehdi from morocco last year i was for formazione in vallé d'aosta in italian kitchen for 3 mouth i realy like italian recipe pastaaaaaaaaaa :) well know i am in my city Casablanca but not for long time :( .. may be i will go to DUBAI to work with a great italian chef he is from NAPOLY well my problem is i don't know much words using in kitchen in English .... :(( can u help meeee plzzzzzzzzzz .
Language pair: Arabic, Moroccan; English
elmehdi f.
January 11, 2010
# Msgs: 9
Latest: April 17, 2010
Re:Re:I'm looking for bread spices recipe
hi my name is elmehdi i am a cook i have just 4 month to learn a lot of words using in kitchen i mean technical words like (cut ,dice...) because i will work in a cruise as a cook ... help meeeee
Language pair: French; English
elmehdi f.
January 11, 2010
# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 11, 2010
i love italian recipe
hi every one I'm a cook specialized in italian gastronomies pasta i am working with a great chef so for me the Italian recipes are the best in the world ... that's all
Language pair: Arabic, Moroccan; English
elmehdi f.
January 11, 2010
# Msgs: 1
Re:I'm looking for bread spices recipe
Hello Sabine,
I know alot about how to make different quick breads, spiced bread, banana bread, pumpkin, zucchini, ginger...alot of different types...and I love to speak french!...would love to chat with you if you are able. I am not a bee keeper, but think that's very interesting. I love all the different ways you can use honey. How did you get involved in that?
a bientot j'espere!
Language pair: French; English
Helen R.
January 10, 2010
# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 11, 2010
December 24, 2009
# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 28, 2010
Re:I love Italian Food
Hey there Isabel, my boyfriend is from Mexico and he loves tamales, so I've tried to make them... it was a mess. I tried tamales dulce, and jalapeno and cheese. The Jalapenos and cheese turned out ok, but my masa was not fluffy and did not have a whole lot of flavor.
Do you have any pointers or suggestions to keep me sane when I attempt to make them next time?
Language pair: Spanish; English
Haley R.
December 18, 2009
# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 18, 2009
I love Italian Food
Hi there... I'm mexican, but I've been living in the US for the last 4 years. I love to cook, so I'll be more than happy to share some recipes (I loooove italian food.. speacially pasta). I'd like to make new friends, share recipes, improve my english and learn italian at the same time. Sounds good, isn't it. Hope to hear from you :)
Language pair: Spanish; English
Isabel B.
December 17, 2009
# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 18, 2009
Ricetta per la crosta della pizza
Ho mangiato la pizza squisita a Lucca. La crosta era sottile e croccante. Vorrei una ricetta per fare la crosta come questa e per una salsa di pomodori di base. Parlo piccolo italiano. Così, gradirei la ricetta in inglese se possibile.
Language pair: English; Italian
December 12, 2009
# Msgs: 1
Re:Re:Indian recipes !!
I can help you with Indian recipes.. just let me know.
Language pair: English; English
November 24, 2009
# Msgs: 7
Latest: July 18, 2011
Re:Russian dishes
hi Yula ~! I'm learning Russian and am not a gold member pls contact me ~ das vidanya~ steve
Language pair: Russian; English
November 19, 2009
# Msgs: 6
Latest: February 28, 2010