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October 10, 2008
# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 11, 2008
I speak Spanish&English! Hablo Español&Ingles
I'm 13 yrs old. I speak fluent Spanish&English. If u want, i can teach u Spanish. I'm learning Italian,German,French, and Portuguese. If possible, Greek, Ukrainian, Russian, Romanian, and Hebrew. I'm not a gold member so contact me FAST! Thank you<3! ****Tengo 13 años. Hablo Ingles y Español. Si quieren les puedo enseñar Inlges. Estoy aprendiendo Italiano, Aleman, Frances, Portugues, y si es possible, Griego, Ucranio, Russo, Rumano, e Hebreo. Soy un miembro regular entonces no los puedo contactar. Gracias!****
Language pair: English; Italian
Arely H.
September 28, 2008
# Msgs: 1
oohh thanks!! :) Can you give me a short lesson? So die grund arten usw...? Can you read german? And: who are you?? Vorrei sapere chi sei tu?? :))
Viel mehr kann ich auch nicht auf italienisch sagen ;) Kennst du dich hier aus? Können wir auch anders kommunizieren? Do you know this side? Where could we meet us in here?What I have to do? Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland ;)
Language pair: German; Italian
Jasmin R.
September 7, 2008
# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 7, 2008
Ciao If you want I can help you with your italian. I speak little german Massimiliano Italy
Language pair: German; Italian
Massimiliano M.
September 6, 2008
# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 7, 2008
Hallo ihr da draußen :))
möchte gerne wissen was auf italienisch:"Ich würde gerne wissen wer du bist..wer lust hat mir italienisch beizubringen,möchte sich bitte bei mir melden :) Speak a little bit english too..want to learn italy..PLEASE HELP ;) Jasmin(24)germany
Language pair: German; Italian
Jasmin R.
September 5, 2008
# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 7, 2008
hola ,hi!
hablo y escribo perfecto espanol y tambien ingles 90% deseo aprender chino mandarin y tambien italiano puedo ayudarte a aprender spanish y algo de ingles by
Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; Italian
Jose C.
August 26, 2008
# Msgs: 9
Latest: September 22, 2008
Re:Seeking a partner
Ciao Veronica, sono Nikola e sono di Serbia. Voglio imparare Italiano. Lo studio solamente e non ho mai parlato con qualcuno. Credo che il mio inglese e ottimo, e il mio serbiano e meglio. Se voglio aiutarmi, per favore scrivo a me. Sono certo che i miei formazioni hanno molte sbaglie, ma ho tanta voglia di ripararle.
Language pair: Italian; English
Nikola D.
August 5, 2008
# Msgs: 7
Latest: August 5, 2008
English and/or Spanish for Italian please
Hello, my name is Zaida. I speak/read/write both languages fluently. In college I took Italian for one year, but I'm forgetting it since I don't practice and have no one to practice with. I can learn it quickly because it's similar to Spanish. Please help me.
Language pair: Italian;
Zaida C.
July 29, 2008
# Msgs: 1
please help me with italian
i am facinated by the azzurri and want to learn italian to fully support them , to understand them.since i am not a gold member so please contact me on my email so i can fulfil my dream also in return i can give some HINDI lessons.
Language pair: Italian;
akash a.
July 16, 2008
# Msgs: 1
italian speakrs!!!
hello, i'm searching for someone who can help me to learn italian. i'm not a gold member so... Feel free to contact me as soon as you see my message. Thank's
Language pair: English; Italian
faty a.
July 14, 2008
# Msgs: 1