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Category > Vacations/Travels

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hi im a 20 years old boy,im from rome and i study law university...im planning with my friend Valerio to spend our holydays (fom the end of july util the 15th/16th of september) in toronto...so,if anyone can help us,contact me on my mail address!!we need information about...everything there!!so,write me...obviously im at your disposal for every kind of help/informations you can need about yor trip in Rome or Italy!!!

Language pair: English; Italian
alessandro g.
April 28, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Something like accommodation exchange.
Hi! I'm Alfredo, a 30 y.o. spanish philosopher who works as a sailing instructor.
I would like to meet people living in UK or Ireland who want to host or to share a house with a spaniard in return of teaching him/her Spanish, though I would accept any variation of that.
Waiting 4 your ideas or proposals...
Best wishes.

Language pair: Spanish; English
Alfredo B.
April 19, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:moving to Mallorca
Hello Agata.
My name's Alfredo and I'm a 30 y.o. spanish philosopher working as sailing instructor.
I've got a job offer just in Santa Ponsa for this summer (2004), but I cannot accept it until I know where to stay there.
I would like to know wich is your mother tongue and if you've got yet a place in that motel.
If I could get a place to stay there, I will teach or help you with your Spanish.
Please, send me a message to start talking about this working-staying-language exchange.
Best wishes.

Language pair: Spanish; English
Alfredo B.
April 19, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:I'd like to learn a little Italian before I visit there.
ciao, i would be glad to help you getting informations about italy and also introducing you to the italian language

Language pair: Japanese; Italian
April 6, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 6, 2004
Excellent places
I have for many years travelled to and stayed in Tunisia. This beautiful country has a modern progressive feel coupled with a great Roman history and the very best of Arabic culture. A truly wonderful people with a rare and exquisite beauty in both it's men and women. Although I am English, if I could live my life over again, I would ask to be reincarnated as one of this noble land. Give it a try, I guarentee you will visit more than once.

Language pair: Arabic, other; English
Phillip V.
April 2, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:If you just come to Buenos Aires
Sarah! Its me again, so could you give me a hand with this, we're attached to this? I mean...If I can't give you a precise info...I just dont get it..help me with this.

Language pair: Spanish; English
March 24, 2004

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 24, 2004
Re:Re:If you just come to Buenos Aires
Ohh Hi Sarah!!!! Thnks for answering back!!!!!!! you know what? the thing is that I dont know how to handle this site very well so Im a little bit lost here and besides theres a note that says I cant deliver any adress or personal info...... so how can we keep in touch if I dont give you for example my email? I hope to hear from you soon. Marcelo.

Language pair: Spanish; English
March 24, 2004

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 24, 2004
Travel is so expensive!
Dear Friends in the international community,

I am frustrated, and disheartened! Ive just spent several hours searching the almighty internet for a low cost method of international travel. I plan to backpack around the Pacific Rim, and want to do it on a poor mans funds. Apparently such an idea is absurd in this day and age! I have nautical skills as well, and it seems ideas such as "work for passage" And short term contract dont exist anymore. Several thousand dollars, or Piles of paperwork and months of my life are required to travel by sea. Air fare is the cheapest, and the cheapest price for the first leg of my voyage is $842! That is no poor mans budget! If anyone knows how to travel inexpensively and with out complications, please share the brilliance.


Language pair: English; All
D B.
February 22, 2004

# Msgs: 1

If you just come to Buenos Aires
Yes, Im Marcelo and if you just come around to Buenos Aires and need some help in Spanish I'll be willing to help you, I really like American English so Id be glad if you could just help me a little with it. Thanks for reading this. By the way, I can be a gold member by now so please Id be grateful if you write me first. Thanks a lot. Chau.

Language pair: Spanish; English
February 19, 2004

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 24, 2004
Re:Travelling to TURKEY /Greece/Hungary, looking for FREE ACCOMODATIONS!
Hi! I'm Eugenia from Thessaloniki, Greece... I'm sorry if I disappoint you..but is rather difficult to find FREE accomodation here as far as I'm concerned...

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Eva M.
January 18, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 7, 2004
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