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Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Re:Please check my Spanish grammar
Tengo dieciséis años.
Tengo tres hermanos y dos hermanas.
Soy la mayor.
No tengo mascotas porque SOY ALÉRGICA
Vivo en una casa en el campo OR VIVO EN EL CAMPO
Me gusta la danza, la lectura, la música, y los idiomas.
Tengo el pelo castaño claro y los ojos azules.
USO gafas
Mis colores favoritos son el turquesa y el púrpura.
Mi animal favorito es el caballo.
Hablo inglés y francés.

Good job...

Language pair: English; Spanish
December 20, 2018

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 20, 2018
Please check my Spanish grammar
Could a native Spanish speaker please let me know if these sentences are grammatically correct? Gracias!

Tengo dieciséis años.
Tengo tres hermanos y dos hermanas.
Soy la mayor.
No tengo mascotas porque tengo alergia
Vivo en una casa en el campo
Me gusta la danza, la lectura, la música, y los idiomas.
Tengo el pelo castaño claro y los ojos azules.
Llevo gafas
Mis colores favoritos son el turquesa y el púrpura.
Mi animal favorito es el caballo.
Hablo inglés y francés.

Language pair: English; Spanish
December 18, 2018

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 20, 2018
Please check my Spanish grammar
Could a native Spanish speaker please let me know if these sentences are grammatically correct? Gracias!

Tengo dieciséis años.
Tengo tres hermanos y dos hermanas.
Soy la mayor.
No tengo mascotas porque tengo alergia
Vivo en una casa en el campo
Me gusta la danza, la lectura, la música, y los idiomas.
Tengo el pelo castaño claro y los ojos azules.
Llevo gafas
Mis colores favoritos son el turquesa y el púrpura.
Mi animal favorito es el caballo.
Hablo inglés y francés.

Language pair: English; Spanish
December 18, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Find errors
Hi! Dear Ded Moroz!
The girl Masha addresses to you! (it I last year burned a fir-tree at friends for new year and it I broke a window a firecracker at 00. 00 for new year. Yes, yes it I dressed a garland on a cat and when I included it a cat struck with current!) I remember our last year's arrangement: I have to be the whole year the good girl (not to drink, not to smoke, do not eat a lot of sweets), and you in turn have to present me gifts. I am almost sure in all year behind an exception couple of days, well, not couple of days! OK, few weeks. And after all speak: if I don't remember, so wasn't! Or whoever remembers the old, that eye out!
So I’m sure to:
IN This year I was very good girl! But, what to be sure that I will receive a gift for New Year! I can offer you some good affairs! And you will present me that I want!
And so we will start:
If I wash the car of the mother, you will present me a mink coat as it will heat me in the long cold Russian winter;
If I wash the dishes, you will present me for new year a new ring with diamond in the 10th carat as it will look very beautifully on my finger and heat me in the long cold Russian winter;
If I iron clothes, you will present me the permit to Italy;
If I take a walk with a dog, you will present me a bag Michael Kors of a new collection!
I very much hope for our cooperation this year dear Ded Moroz!
And if we agree, I agree to the new contract on good behavior in 2019.
In advance with gratitude and understanding for all my acts. Thanks Ded Moroz for my gifts and cheerful new year!
P. S. I won't dress up a cat in a garland anymore, well or I won't include a garland.
With gratitude girl Masha.

Language pair: English; 
December 9, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Translating a short phrase for a Christmas performance.
Hello everyone! I am helping with a kids performance for a Christmas service at my church. I have been asked to translate a short phrase into several languages for the kids to say. The phrase is, "Jesus, hope of the world. Pass it on." In this case, pass it on means tell others, so the phrase can also be this. "Jesus, hope of the world. Tell others." I speak several languages but would like to have this in languages from more places of the world, so if you could help me by translating this into your language, I would appreciate it so much! You can either put the translation here or message me with it. I'm hoping to get at least 6 languages.

Language pair: English; - Other -
December 8, 2018

# Msgs: 4
Latest: February 9, 2019
Re:Want to English teacher who can teach me english
I will teach you English and I would like you to teach me Gujarati! :)

Language pair: Gujarati; English
Maria C.
November 22, 2018

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 22, 2018
Someone who wants to learn Bahasa
Hello, if anyone wants to learn bahasa, you can contact me, I need to improve my english language skill

Language pair: Indonesian (Bahasa); English
albert c.
November 1, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Re:How do you say these common kitchen items in Spanish
Hello Mara,

My name is nicole I´m from Mexico City, I want to help you:
Stock pot: Olla ( es muy comun utilizarlo, especialmente cuando va a preparar sopa
Frying pan : sarten ( se utiliza muy frecuente porque casi todo se cocina con un sarten
Butcher block: tabla de carnicero ( se utiliza para cortar carne o verduras encima de la tabla )
Cleaver cuchilla de carnicero ( no es comun utilizar)
Ladle cucharon ( Se utiliza cuando haces una sopa y necesitas algo para poner la sopa en los platos
Pie plate: plato de pastel ( se utiliza especialmente en cumpleaños, porque tienes un pastel y se necesitan los platos de pastel para comerlo
Whisk: batidor ( cuando quieres bates los huevos )
Spatula espatula ( para cocinar huevos o carne )
Coffee maker cafetera ( la maquina con la que haces el cafe )
Tortilla press prensa de tortilla ( lo utilizan las personas que trabajan haciendo tortillas )
Blender licuadora ( comun utilizar esa palabra para hacer licuados )
Food processor procesador de alimentos ( no es comun utilizarla )
Recipe receta ( cuando quieres cocinar y necesitas seguir los pasos, acudes a una receta para hacerlo)

Language pair: Spanish; English
Nicole L.
October 22, 2018

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 22, 2018
How do you say these common kitchen items in Spanish
Hello, I have a project for my Spanish class where I find out what people from different Spanish speaking countries call common objects. Please translate the following words and say what country you're from:
Stock pot
Frying pan
Butcher block
Pie plate
Coffee maker
Tortilla press
Food processor

Language pair: Spanish; English
Mara W.
September 21, 2018

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 22, 2018
Re:Please translations
The most correct one of these is number 2, but that's not really right either. The correct way to say this is: I risked my life to save the girl.

Language pair: English; 
Mara W.
September 21, 2018

# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 21, 2018
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