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Language > Norwegian
Category > Seeking Partners

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An American looking to exchange English for Norwegian
Hei, jeg heter Andrew og jeg er 25 år. Jeg bor i USA. Jeg vil gjerne hjelpe med lærng Norsk. As you can see my Norwegian is not very good. I am interested in learning and practicing. In return I can teach or help you refine your English skills. I also know Latin and a little French, German, and Old Norse. I would very much like to learn Norwegian so if you are interested please contact me. I am not a gold member so I can't contact you other than to reply. I am not picky regarding my partners, they can be guy or girl of any age.

Language pair: Norwegian; English
February 17, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Help with Norwegian
I live in the US, but I spent the last year in Norway. I would love to have someone help be to get better at Norwegian. I'm not a gold member yet, so if you can help me, please contact me.

Language pair: English; Norwegian
Lizzie F.
February 16, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:English / Norwegian
I'm from the US and I lived in Norway last year. I'd like to continue to use my Norwegian and I could help you with your English if you want.

Language pair: English; Norwegian
Lizzie F.
February 16, 2008

# Msgs: 5
Latest: April 22, 2008
Do you speak Norwegian and want to practise your Spanish?
I am ready to help! All I ask in return is some help with my poor Norwegian.

Language pair: Norwegian; Spanish
February 14, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:English / Norwegian
Hello ya! I need to improve my English.. Ehh... Do you want to learn Norwegian? :D I could help you with that..

Language pair: English; Norwegian
Nikolai H.
February 13, 2008

# Msgs: 5
Latest: April 22, 2008
English / Norwegian
Hi! I am looking for a Norwegian who would like to refine their English skills.

Language pair: English; Norwegian
February 8, 2008

# Msgs: 5
Latest: April 22, 2008
Hallo Heaven-Light! Re:I'll help anyone speak English in exchange for help in Norwegian
Hallo du! (Hello you). I can help you to learn Norwegian.. By the way, in wich city does your family live? (I'm not a gold-member, so you must contact me..)

Language pair: Norwegian; Icelandic
Nikolai H.
January 22, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Seeking Norwegian Tutor
Hei! I would love to email with anyone willing to help me with Norwegian. I'm from the US and I'm planning my long awaited trop to Bergen next summer.
I'd love help!!

Language pair: Norwegian; 
Gloria R.
December 19, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Du lernst DEUTSCH, ich lerne NORWEGISCH
Hey, ho!
Meine Name ist Heike und würde gerne möglichst bald einen "Lehrer" für Norwegisch als Weihnachstgeschenk erhalten, weil ich demnächst öfter in Norwegen sein werde. Ich selbst kann dir gerne die deutsche Sprache näherbringen, bin übrigens Lehrerin :-)
Bis bald

Language pair: German; Norwegian
Heike Charlotte P.
December 13, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Norwegian wants to learn spanish
hola, ¿quieres platicar? tienes msn?
mi nick es t_l_antonio

Language pair: Norwegian; Spanish
Antonio G.
December 11, 2007

# Msgs: 5
Latest: December 11, 2007
Total found: 256 !
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