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Re:Objectif : Parler bulgare !
bonjour Claire, je parle français en peu et je voudrais practiquer mon français. Je suis bulgare et je peut t'aider practiquer ton bulgare.

Language pair: Bulgarian; French
July 26, 2011

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 26, 2011
Hello I am Joel,
It is a vast world that we live in filled with many wonderful and exciting people! It is wonderful to meet and converse with as many of those people as I can! I enjoy chess, science, books, movies,art,music and many, many other things because it is a big big world! If you would like to learn English email me at various places!

Language pair: Bulgarian; Icelandic
Joel D.
July 9, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Re:Objectif : Parler bulgare !
Bonjour Claire! Bienvenue à la Bulgarie! :) Je serai à Sofia en avril (12 avril) et nous pouvons parler pour une heure ou deux, bulgare et français. Je veux améliorer mon français. Je suis historien et j'habite à Ottawa, Canada. Lorsque vous écoutez de Bulgares, soyez prudent parce qu'il ya beaucoup de dialectes et je vous recommande d'apprendre bon Bulgare. Par example:
grand- golyam
nous écrivons - (nie) pishem
A Sofia, vous pouvez écouter "golEm" pour grand e "golYAmi" pour grands, "pishemE" pour nous écrivons, etc.

Alors, bonne chance! :)

Language pair: Bulgarian; French
March 7, 2010

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 26, 2011
Hi, this is Melitina. I am from Bulgaria, I should be able to help some with that. My English is not that bad. I live in Germaany at the moment, but don't know any German, I can use some help. I really want to learn Italian

Language pair: Bulgarian; Italian
February 27, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Hi my name is Ina, I am a bulgarian , I would like to improve my english, russian or greek, and will be a pleasure for me to teach you Bulgarian.


Language pair: Bulgarian; English
ina n.
February 18, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 19, 2010
Re:teaching bulgarian&english, learning italian, french, russian and thai
I'm Jakapan Rodsup from Thailand. I would like to be fluent in English. my skype accout is "jakapan.rodsup" I would be very happy to help you with Thai in exchange with English, please contact me.

Language pair: Bulgarian; English
Jakapan r.
February 4, 2010

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 4, 2010
Objectif : Parler bulgare !
je suis française, installée à Sofia pour un an ou deux et j'aimerai continuer d'apprendre le Bulgare. J'ai pris des cours et maintenant, j'aimerai pratiquer pour progresser ! J'espère que vous me contacterez si vous souhaitez échanger en parlant français ! A bientôt Claire

Language pair: Bulgarian; French
Claire P.
January 24, 2010

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 26, 2011
i am english!
i am living in england and i was born here. i am fluent in the languige and i would love to know how to speak beloruce

Language pair: Bulgarian; English
Fay S.
January 23, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Re:teaching bulgarian&english, learning italian, french, russian and thai
yes i am interested. ahmadalam99 at skype

Language pair: Bulgarian; English
ahmad a.
December 14, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 4, 2010
teaching bulgarian&english, learning italian, french, russian and thai
if someone is interested, pls contact me

Language pair: Bulgarian; English
neta a.
December 5, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 4, 2010
Total found: 45 !
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