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Language > Chinese, Cantonese
Category > Hobbies

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Re:i want to learn chinese
i can help you in cantonses,i come from shenzhen guangdong china .
i'm a bachelor and 23 years old.i wanna to learning english.
feelinghao.google's e-m to help me

Language pair: English; Chinese, Cantonese
hao- T.
August 17, 2007

# Msgs: 14
Latest: September 13, 2007
hi im kaede, from england
i can teach you english if you want ^^
but i can't contact you im a regular member
hav you got email add?
i would love to learn cantonese ^^
can't wait to chat!!!! =)

Language pair: Chinese, Cantonese; Chinese, Cantonese
Kaede M.
December 15, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:make friends
Hi David i'm 16 years old and can help improve your english ^^ and i would love to learn mandarin ^^ contact me if you're interested.

Language pair: Chinese, Cantonese; English
Kaede M.
December 9, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 9, 2006
make friends
hi.i am a gay from China,i am 17 yaers old and want to make friends who can talk English and like science,sports and others. you can find me on skype linear68.

Language pair: Chinese, Cantonese; English
David W.
August 25, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 9, 2006
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