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Language > Finnish
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Re:Re:anyone willing to help someone learn finnish?
veika, að noriu iðmokti suomiðkai, bet dar nieko nemoku, gal reikëtu tiesiog kokio þodyno pradþiai ið kokiu 100 þodþiø, o tada jau juos gramatiðkai jungti :)

Language pair: Lithuanian; Finnish
Rasa S.
February 20, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 20, 2009
i wanna learn finnish
Hi, I'm from Chile and I would like to learn finnish, my native languaje is spanish so I can help with that.

I'm not a gold member so you can write me over here or something...:S


Language pair: Finnish; 
December 31, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Who can teach me in finnisch?
Hello I search peolpe from finnland (Helsinki is good) they can teach me in finnisch, please contact me and write me an email.PLEASE
yours sincerely

Language pair: Finnish; German
December 10, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Native Finn willing to help
Hey, my name is Tiffany and i've been trying to learn finnish. I got some vocab down but i don't understand how you conjugate the verbs and put them into sentences and make a sentence. Could you please help me with that?

Language pair: Finnish; English
Tiffany V.
November 16, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 16, 2008
Native Finn willing to help

I am a Finnish guy with strong grammar and vocabulary knowledge. If you have any questions about Finnish language, I'm all ears. :)

Language pair: Finnish; 
October 24, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 16, 2008
I need help with Finnish
Hello my name is Holly i am a regular member so contact me pleas if you are willing to teach me Finnish because i am about to meet Alexi Laiho in a few month with the upcoming tour and need to know Finnish so i can speak to him in return i can teach anyone who helps English because i have a fantstic vocabulary in english and a few latin phrases as well and japeneese and spanish os please please help

Language pair: Finnish; English
Holly C.
July 25, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Need some help in learning Finnish
Hello, I'm trying to find a partner who is a Finnish speaker who can help me with my Finnish. In exchange, I can help with English if you are learning. I'm not a gold member, so sadly, to all the people who are finnish speakers, I myself cannot contact you : ( thank you.

Language pair: English; Finnish
h i.
July 8, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Seeking a partner
hello im ryan my ancestors were italian i would like to learn so italian i love soccer AC milian and roma so if you would help me ill help you

Language pair: Italian; Finnish
Ryan G.
June 6, 2008

# Msgs: 7
Latest: August 5, 2008
i also want to learn finnish... i want to go to finland, to live and work there... i can teach you german!

i really need help - can somebody help me?

bye sophie

Language pair: Finnish; English
June 4, 2008

# Msgs: 1

i need people help my ,i like speak finnish ....my name is daniela i from chili ....puedo ayudar con español tengo 24 años


Language pair: Spanish; Finnish
daniela r.
February 23, 2008

# Msgs: 1

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