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I know it would be hard
I'm just simply trying to stick to the rules english originally had and the "ie" made the "ai" sound. And I understand our grammar is easy, but I would just like to change just a couple things.
In english the words "will, may, and can" are verbs but have no infinitives and they don't conjuagte so I would just like to fix that.
If you didn't notice here are some of the sound combined letters will make:
AE=ay as in day EA=ee as in eat IE=I as in eye AI=ay as in day EE=ee as in eat IY=I as in eye AU=ah as in on EI=ee as in eat AW=ah as in on EW=u as in do AY=ay as in day
OA=o as in so UE=yu as in you YE=I as in eye OE=o as in so UH=uh as in shut OI=oi as in point OO=u as in do OU=ou as in loud OW=ou as in loud OY=oi as in point
Language pair: English; German
Stephen B.
February 17, 2007
# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 24, 2020
Re:Re:Re:Mankind versus Animals!
Does betrayal necessarily entail intent to harm?
I agree that it often does. My mind is exploding with exceptions, and I'm trying to think of an example that's famous enough to be meaningful.
Well, let's just do a hypothetical. Perhaps a man is very happily married, and one day meets an old high-school girlfriend. Delighted to see her after many years, and eager to learn what she has been doing in the intervening time, they go out for a drink together. They have a wonderful visit, and lots of wine, and end up sleeping together before their visit is over.
I would say in this case that the man has certainly betrayed his wife. And you can call him stupid or selfish, or irresponsible, or any of a thousand different things, but I don't see how you can say that he had any intent to harm his wife. He merely neglected his responsibility to her.
What do you think?
Reply to message # 59755 Re:Re:Mankind versus Animals! Arnaud MALARDE
I must answer something to your message blaming human beings for their robberies and betrayals, which drives you to compare them with animals. Nevertheless, if you think again about it, you should change your mind. Thus, animals do not betray, nor steal. They cannot betray because this word entails a willing to damage the other. On the other hand, animals do not have this kind of willing, all their acts are conducted by one imperative: their survivals. When an animal take the food of another, there is no prejudice in the mind of the stolen animal. It is nature, and none of its rules bans this acting. Survival allows all kinds of acting. Betrayal and robberies are pure human devices due to our ability to invent rules to leave nature and constitute human societies.
This is a reply to message # 59686 Language pair: English; German Category: Opinions
Language pair: English; German
Mark S.
August 31, 2005
# Msgs: 8
Latest: September 4, 2005
Re:Re:Mankind versus Animals!
But actually, that brings up a very big difference Dwyn. When animals bite and scratch etc, etc. its a matter of survival. Only with people is it personal.
Language pair: English; German
Mark S.
August 30, 2005
# Msgs: 8
Latest: September 4, 2005
Re:Re:What I wouldn't do as President:
Thanks. I hope I'm able to express what many Americans are feeling. It sure is what I'm feeling.
Unfortunately, the news isn't encouraging so far. I got a form e-makl back from Senator Boxer which pretty much revisited the ideas in her Commonwealth Club speech, without acknowledging what I had stated was missing from the speech.
Sometimes I get a follow-up letter by mail. It might be more informative. I'll let you know.
By the way, if you've never written your congressperson or Senator before, I highly encourage it. It's great to be in the practice so that when something important like this comes up, there's nothing intimidating. You just fire it off and send it in. I've got a stack of letters from my representatives. It's great having a relationship with my government. It really helps me to feel involved in the democratic process. Also, since people so rarely pick up and write, your representatives assume that for every letter they get, there are about a thousand people who feel the same way. It's a very powerful tool.
So get writing!
Language pair: English; German
Mark S.
August 13, 2005
# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 13, 2005
Re:Re:Re:If you were President of the United States...
Dwyn 081205 presidency
Dwyn, you’re so sweet.
You better not keep this up, or my head will swell so I won’t be able to get out the front door. I’ll lose my job and flunk all my classes, and then what kind of congressman would I be?
But seriously, I’d never make it in congress. Too much politics. I have to tell the truth as I see it and do what I think is right, and congress eats folks like me with their afternoon tea. I don’t have the killer instinct.
I think I’m doing exactly what I need to do. Grab young people like you and sit ‘em down and teach ‘em how to think for themselves, how not to buy the cock and bull everyone wants to hand them. When people stop buying it, Hollywood and congress and Wall Street and Standard Oil and GMC, and everyone else will be forced to stop trying to pass it off. Perhaps in a couple of hundred years we’ll have a congress we can be proud of. I’m willing to wait if that’s what it takes.
Meanwhile, keep studying, keep asking the hard questions, and don’t buy any of their pretty castles in the sky.
# 58336 Re:Re:If you were President of the United States... Dwyn Hart
Okay, so you don't want to be president. But would you like to run for congress? I'd vote for you! You back up all your opinions, and explained everything.
This is a reply to message # 58204 Language pair: English; German Category: Opinions Post date: August 11, 2005
Language pair: English; German
Mark S.
August 12, 2005
# Msgs: 8
Latest: August 24, 2005
Re:We would be just like them... ( My Opinion)
> Then I said, Dad, I intend on living in Germany for awhile, would you neuc Germany if I was there? Without hesitation, he said yes. > What this world needs is good role models, and if knowone steps up, I will, what do I have to loose? My dad already said I'm dead.
You are an excellent role model already. I just hope you can find a forum which lets the right people to hear your message.
Language pair: English; German
Juha-Petri T.
August 7, 2005
# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 7, 2005
Re:What is an identity, exactly? Part 3 of 2
More on identity,
After I sent that last email, I began to realize how slipper this whole concept of identity really is. Really, it's a word we use many different ways. Sometimes our identity IS simply a matter of a name or a social security number. That really is all that matters on payday, or when I want to get a driver's license.
But when I read Dwyn's question, it really struck me as more of a question of, "how do I define, in a meaningful sense (meaningful in terms of how I can make choices on a day-to-day basis within the context of my life, in such a way that I will be able to embody some concept of integrity) what it is (in terms of values, likes, dislikes, personality, virtues, vices, etc) I'm talking about when I make reference to this phenomenon I best know as "me"?
I suspect that may be somewhere in the ballpark of what Dwyn was talking about and what her friend was struggling with, and perhaps, what we all struggle with all the time. I think it is what Arnaud spoke to far more eloquently than I did.
So I';ve been studying an interesting edition of Sir Philip Sidney's "The Defence of Poesie," (Also known as, "An apology for Poetry."). The Editor, Richard Bear (his edition of the essay is easily available on the Internet), points out that during the Renaissance, when Sidney rights, there was a notion of "fashioning the self."that was widely held at the time that identity was a created phenomenon, and not something we were born with or grew into or had thrust upon us. The more I thought about the contrast between these ideas of the nature of identity interms of how it comes into being, the more I realized that that might be an important way to look at what it is exactly that we are talking about when we talk about identity.
What do you think? Is identity who we are? What we were born with? Is it something created by our experiences of growing up in a particular society? Something we construct ourselves, consciously or unconsciously? something we grow into? Is it constant? Does it change over time? Can it have different forms at once? Is it possible that some combination of all of these descriptions fits best?
Mark Springer
Sacramento, CA USA
Language pair: English; German
Mark S.
May 30, 2005
# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 30, 2005
Re:May I please have your opinion?
Grüß Gott, Dwyn!
It's nice to see you back safe and sound. I hope you had a wonderful trip.
My father was a Lion, and I actually was too, for a brief time. I have difficulty imagining what you might have to say to them that they would find offensive. But then, I've never heard of either Hitler's Sadium or his Church. I don't imagine that a bullet-hole-ridden wall would be offensive, but then I don't know the individuals involved, either.
Perhaps you could share with us what you have to tell about your trip that concerns you (I'm looking forward to hearing all about it anyway :-) ), and we might have better ideas how to help. You also might consider checking with the person you're inn contact with about speaking at the meeting to see if there are any particular areas they might rather have you avoid. I know Lion's clubs have a rule about not discussing partisan politics or sectarian religion.
Nice to hear from you. Wilkommen Zurük!
May I please have your opinion? dwyn hart
Hi, my name is Dwyn, and I was wondering if I could ask you for some advice. I just went on a trip to Germany with my school, and our local Lions Club wants me to give a speech about where I went, what I learned, and what I liked. My question is, because they are all WWII vetrans, should I tell them about Hitlers Sadium or church? Should I show them a brick wall covered with bullet holes?What should and what shouldn't I tell them? I traveled along the whole East side of Germany, along with Austria, Switzerland, and Leichtenstein. I am asking because I don't want to offend them, or make anyone uncomfortable. Your opion would really help me. Thank you for your time.
Your friend, Dwyn Hart
Language pair: English; German Category: Opinions
Language pair: English; German
Mark S.
April 20, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Re:Re:How to get a pen pal.
There's nothing wrong with your reading Lisa. You gotta watch out for Dwyn. She's brilliant, but she can be an imp now and then :0)
Congratulations on the young one, by the way. That's very exciting.
Best wishes,
Mark Springer Sacramento, CA USA
Language pair: English; German
Mark S.
April 1, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Re:What would you choose? Why?
1) Cats or Dogs I pick dogs because they are more loyal and i'm scared of cats!! 2) Female president, i think a woman would be able to understand the needs of the country better and more emotively, especially in UK 3)A Car, i'm way too small to drive a truck, i would't reach the steering wheel!! 4)Study in Europe, from the Uk, the USA is just a little too far from home for me. 5)20 languages and speak with everyone!! i would rather know a little of everything than evrythig about one thing. 6)Obviously, leave the past behind i would hope but something would tempt me to go back and fix the mistake, especially if it had a big effect, that's beinga perfectioist i suppose! 7)Reading, to gain knowledge rather than to impart knowledge. 8)Teaching, on the flip side, to know you have had an influence on someone's life. 9) inside in winter, outside in spring,summer and autumn!!(obv. it being freezing english weather! :) 10) enjoying life for itself, but only when spending it with people around you that you love!
Language pair: English; German
March 30, 2005
# Msgs: 5
Latest: March 30, 2005