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Looking for Liberian Natives to translate
Hi All,

If you are native person of Liberia, do contact me for translation work from English to 14 Liberian tribe languages.

Language pair: Hindi; English
Harsh C.
December 6, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Indo-german relations
Hello to all,
I am neil. I am 35 years old and havebeen workingas a Journalist in a Indian Television channel.
I offer you all to teach Hindi as well as know the Indian culture.I can give you the knowledge about Hindi movies too.
I can help you thru e-mail or chatting.
I am likely to visit Bonn, Germany in near future..so persons fo nearby areas can take my help in live too.
I would also like to improve my English and want to learn some basics of German..so may be you can help me.
I am not a gold member but you can contact me through gmail and I will be there as mrjanooji
So hoping to get positive response.
Yours Neil

Language pair: Hindi; German
April 21, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Indo-german relations
Hello to all,
I am neil. I am 35 years old and havebeen workingas a Journalist in a Indian Television channel.
I offer you all to teach Hindi as well as know the Indian culture.I can give you the knowledge about Hindi movies too.
I can help you thru e-mail or chatting.
I am likely to visit Bonn, Germany in near future..so persons fo nearby areas can take my help in live too.
I would also like to improve my English and want to learn some basics of German..so may be you can help me.
I am not a gold member but you can contact me through gmail and I will be there as mrjanooji
So hoping to get positive response.
Yours Neil

Language pair: Hindi; German
April 21, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Indo-german relations
Hello to all,
I am neil. I am 35 years old and havebeen workingas a Journalist in a Indian Television channel.
I offer you all to teach Hindi as well as know the Indian culture.I can give you the knowledge about Hindi movies too.
I can help you thru e-mail or chatting.
I am likely to visit Bonn, Germany in near future..so persons fo nearby areas can take my help in live too.
I would also like to improve my English and want to learn some basics of German..so may be you can help me.
I am not a gold member but you can contact me through gmail and I will be there as mrjanooji
So hoping to get positive response.
Yours Neil

Language pair: Hindi; German
April 21, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:I would like to learn Hindi!
Hi soumya,
I am a india based Journalist. I can teach you Hindi and want to practice English with you. find me at gmail and you will find me there as mrjanooji

Language pair: English; Hindi
August 31, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 11, 2012
Me gustaría aprender hindi y urdu
Hola, he leido que estas dispuesto a enseñar hindi a mas gente, yo estaria encantado de ayudarte con el español ya que soy de España si tu me enseñas hindi. yo no soy goldmember pero miro esta seccion a menudo. namaste

Language pair: Hindi; Spanish
August 25, 2005

# Msgs: 1

I want to learn French. We should be able to help each other.


Language pair: French; Hindi
Bachir E.
October 9, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 24, 2009
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