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Language > Italian
Category > Slang/Expressions

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I want to learn english better and I would like to have new friends!
Can you help me with English, please?? I'd want to find new friends too.

Language pair: Italian; English
June 18, 2016

# Msgs: 6
Latest: July 22, 2016
My bad
"My bad" is translated in italian with "Colpa mia".
"I want to improve my english" is translated in italian with " Voglio migliorare il mio italiano".
"If you want to exchange my italian skills with your english skills, just contact me!" is translated in italian with " Se vuoi scambiare le mie abilità con l'italiano con le tue abilità in inglese, allora contattami!"

Language pair: Italian; English
Marco K.
May 4, 2016

# Msgs: 1

Re:Help with English
Id be happy to help with English. I am a native English speaker, I would love to learn Italian. I only know a little bit. Ciao.

Language pair: English; Italian
May 2, 2016

# Msgs: 5
Latest: June 10, 2016
i wanna practice italian language
hello!! any one help me about improving my italian language??

Language pair: Italian; Arabic, Egyptian
Mohamed F.
January 22, 2016

# Msgs: 1

Re:meglio tardi che mai wie sag man auf deutsch? sapete cosa significa?
ich würde dir helfen, dein Deutsch zu verbessern. :) Und du könntest mir vielleicht Italienisch beibringen? :)

Language pair: Italian; German
Im K.
October 21, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 21, 2015
meglio tardi che mai wie sag man auf deutsch? sapete cosa significa?
ich bin neu auf dieser site. ich bin Italienisch und kann ein bisschen deutch. ich mochte deutch zu verbessern und neue nette leute kennenzulernen

Language pair: Italian; German
paola1967 m.
September 13, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 21, 2015
CIAO~ sono coreana ragazzo:0
I'm interested in Itaian and English! AND I want to learn about Fashion in Italy!!!!!!!! can you teach me a Italan???

Language pair: English; Italian
Hye eun J.
May 31, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 31, 2015
Re:devono or deve
In questo caso si scrive "A Taiwan si chiede se ci si deve togliere le scarpe"

Language pair: Italian; 
Alessandro R.
April 6, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 6, 2015
devono or deve
I have a question about this sentence.
I meant to ask in Taiwan, people ask if they have to take off shoes.

Does it make sense to write "
In Taiwan, si chiede se si devono togliere le scarpe"

I am confused if we should use devono or deve.


Language pair: Italian; 
April 1, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 6, 2015
Hi everybody I'm italian and I would love to improve my english and help u learning italian, let me know if somebody of u could be interested ;)

Mirko El Coco

Language pair: Italian; 
March 23, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 31, 2015
Total found: 230 !
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