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Re:Can someone please help me translate this into English?
I am sitting at my office like a man you are doing.

Thats what google says.

Language pair: Japanese; English
Mike J.
May 20, 2017

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 10, 2017
How to say some random japanese phrase or words?
How do I spell "fresh" (as in cool) or "vibes" (as in mood) in either hirigana or katakana?

Thank you!

Language pair: Japanese; Japanese
Jaymar L.
March 19, 2017

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 10, 2017
Can someone please help me translate this into English?
What does Watashi wa anata ga shitte iru ijo ni watashi no akanbo no on'nanoko o ashiteimasu mean??

Language pair: Japanese; English
Takara N.
February 24, 2017

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 10, 2017
Re:Autumn leaves
It must be beautiful to see

Language pair: English; Japanese
February 24, 2017

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 24, 2017
◆Anyone can guide Taipei?
Hi :)
I have a plan to go Taipei this weekend until 20th.
I don’t have any plans only 19th.
So anyone who can guide me,please text me!

Language pair: English; Japanese
Kaori S.
February 15, 2017

# Msgs: 1

Anybody to visit Luxor
I am Japanese man who visited Luxor , Egypt several times for sightseeing long time before. I made good friends with a local person there. But he can well talk me in English but he cannot read and wright in English and so unfortunately it was difficult to keep in touch. I sent letter, when translated by somebody and return. Finally I cannot receive any message since 10 years ago. We both were not good at SNS and other way to keep.

I have his adress and want you to see him and make sure how he is. I am busy and not enough time for Egypt and I really mind now him how it is in this dangerous and changeable world.
So that anybody to visit Luxor instead of me!!

Language pair: English; Japanese
January 2, 2017

# Msgs: 1

Autumn leaves
Autumn season event :
leaf peeper in Japanese momiji-gari (maple mean momiji )
Kyoto is really nice to visit .

Language pair: English; Japanese
kokoro y.
November 15, 2016

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 24, 2017
Working in overseas
Hi all, how are you doing? I'm Yuki who is Japanese and working as 3D artist in gane industry. Currently I'm working in contract job because of my family problem, but I'm really curious and want to challenge to work in overseas. Is anyone have experience to work in other country? Especially would like to work in Sweden, Germany, Poland, France, UK, US...mostly the country has huge market of game industry!

I'd like to earn more information about it, such as how long it took you to start working since you sent the application, and what you prepared to go there, how you got your accommodation...etc

I'm really happy to listen to any advice! It would be nice to give me motivation!!
Also I'm looking for someone who can be my friends :)

Thank you so much for reading!!
Have a lovely day :)

Language pair: English; Japanese
August 24, 2016

# Msgs: 1

Gold membership
Is it actually worth getting the Gold membership. I mean does it really help improve language and communication

Language pair: English; Japanese
Mike N.
March 11, 2016

# Msgs: 1

"Hi need to translate this in a correct Japanese sentense"
Hi can anyone translate this in Correct japanese sentence construction? Let's exchange translations, thanx :3

"Champion(heroes) of Both Worlds"


Language pair: English; Japanese
Eric M.
January 24, 2016

# Msgs: 1

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