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Language > Japanese
Category > Hobbies

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Want to learn English speaking hobby like drone
I want to communicate in English speaking hobby like drone , for example.

I am Japanese.

Language pair: English; Japanese
Hiro Y.
February 1, 2018

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 16, 2018
New in town
Hey, name's Ibo.

It is my second week in Tokyo, first time here. I like playing video games and watching movies/TV shows/anime. I am very passionate about learning Japanese. I am currently working as an English teacher so I can offer solid help in learning it.

Looking to make some friends :3

Language pair: English; Japanese
Ibo N.
December 10, 2017

# Msgs: 1

Hey everyone :)
Hello everyone, My name is Shawn, I am practicing Japanese. I am not the best at English, however, it is my native language, and I would love to share what knowledge I do have with someone who is willing to help me with Japanese.

Language pair: English; Japanese
November 25, 2017

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:Penpals ANIME
Hello! American seeking to learn Japanese.

おはよう! アメリカ人です、日本語練習したい。僕もアニメすき、ガンダムもすき、メカアニメ本当に大好き。一緒に話しよう。

Language pair: English; Japanese
Jeffrey H.
May 20, 2017

# Msgs: 16
Latest: May 20, 2017
Re:Re:Re:my hobby

Language pair: English; Japanese
Yean Y.
April 21, 2017

# Msgs: 8
Latest: April 21, 2017
Re:Anime and games
I like anime so much! Aikatsu! I liked when I was a child, now i'm obsessed whit death note and nana :)
私はアニメが好き。私の好きなアニメです デスノートてなな

Language pair: English; Japanese
February 21, 2017

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 21, 2017
Anime and games
Hello! I have been a fan of anime since middle school. I want to hear from everyone what they like in anime. I currently am obsessed with Pripara and Aikatsu Stars.

Language pair: English; Japanese
Samantha S.
February 6, 2017

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 21, 2017
What is your language learning method?
Would you see Japanese anime and manga in subtitles? What is your language learning method?

Mogę uczyć języka japońskiego. But i'm weak any language. (ノ´∀`*)

Language pair: Polish; Japanese
ryu y.
January 21, 2017

# Msgs: 1

Conocer más personas
Hola, me gustaría conocer a más personas de origen Japonés para poder practicar el idioma

Language pair: Spanish; Japanese
Jordy N.
December 31, 2016

# Msgs: 1

I Like A Lot
Hi everyone! I am interested in so many things, but there are only a few things I am truly passionate about. I am passionate about making clothing, because it is my favorite form of art. I am passionate about film, because it is an amazing transcending form of art. I also love food, and to cook it well is a passion of mine. I like music and I like traveling, but those passions, are important to me. What are you very passionate about?


Language pair: English; Japanese
December 17, 2016

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 12, 2020
Total found: 133 !
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