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Language > Norwegian
Category > Vacations/Travels

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på Norge om sommeren
Mitt navn er Jenny og jeg er 26 år. Om sommeren, jeg reiser med min venn till Norge med motor. Vi vil gjerne går på Nordkapp. Jeg har laere meg litt Norsk, men jeg vil gjøre bedre. Jeg kan laere deg Nederlansk, Engelsk, Tysk eller Fransk. Kanskje du kan også hjelpe meg på forberede min reise i Norge.
Ha det bra!


Language pair: Dutch; Norwegian
March 19, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 14, 2009
traveling to norway
I am a Filipino. Some of my relatives are working and residing in norway that's we are planning to go and visit them there. I'm searching a norwegian or half filipino and half norwegian who could teach me norwegian and give me some insights bout traveling to norway. thanks!

Language pair: Filipino (Tagalog); Norwegian
Norielle C.
February 3, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:me gustaria aprender portugues
In Brazil you'll say: "Eu gostaria de aprender português" or "I want to speak portuguese" that's mean: "Eu quero falar português"

Language pair: Portuguese; Norwegian
Iza P.
December 12, 2008

# Msgs: 6
Latest: January 1, 2009
Re:English in Provence?
I have been in Paris, having spent only a few months learning French. I found that if you try, show you respect the language, and can at least ask "can you speak English " (Parlez-vous Anglais?) and can count, they will help you out, and most stores and ALL museums have English speakers.

Language pair: Norwegian; English
Chicago R.
February 11, 2005

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