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Language > Polish
Category > Making Friends

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Hi, everybody, is there anybody who can be my English /- Polish) tutor.
I have IELTS 5.5 band and would like to improve my English

I am a Russian, and could help you if you would like to learn my native tongue.

Thank you very much in advance.

Language pair: English; Polish
Masha B.
September 6, 2013

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Chcę nauczyć się Niemieckiego / I would like to learn German / Ich will die Deutsch lernen...
Yeah...That is extremly difficult to find someone who's native german speaker and would like to help...I'm searching through few various websites, and nothing for now ;-(

Language pair: Polish; German
September 6, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 6, 2013
Chcę nauczyć się Niemieckiego / I would like to learn German / Ich will die Deutsch lernen...
Is there anyone who could help me to learn German? I can help with Polish (my native l.) and with English as well (up to advanced level). I am 32 years old and we could "talk" about everything - I love writing and talking with people!

Language pair: Polish; German
September 4, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 6, 2013
I´m Alina (Austria). If you still want I could help you with German.

Language pair: Polish; English
May 30, 2013

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 30, 2013
Hi Polina! I'm Aniela, from Poland. I could help you with polish if you still want to learn it. And I'm also looking for some new friends, so if you ever feel bored I would be really happy to talk to you. I'm not a gold member, but I think talking here can't be that bad. And if it is, I'm sure we will think of some way to handle it. Just give me a word if you're interested in getting to know someone like me.

Language pair: Polish; English
May 16, 2013

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 30, 2013
Re:Re:Japanese-English language exchange
Hello! I want practise my english. So i inerested in horses. I love animals,do you? I am a big fan of the twilight saga :-) i am polish:-)

Language pair: Polish; English
Paulina F.
October 21, 2012

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 21, 2012
Re:french or polish in exchange for english
Hi i"m polish:-) i want practise my english. I can learn you polish.:-)

Language pair: English; Polish
Paulina F.
October 21, 2012

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 21, 2012
Re:french or polish in exchange for english
Hi i"m polish:-) i want practise english. I can learn you polish.:-)

Language pair: English; Polish
Paulina F.
October 21, 2012

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 21, 2012
Re:Re:Hi everybody!
Hello! I am polish :-) i watn to learn english ;-) can we study?

Language pair: English; Polish
Paulina F.
October 21, 2012

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 21, 2012
Hi! I am polish. I want practise english:-)

Language pair: English; Polish
Paulina F.
October 21, 2012

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 21, 2012
Total found: 77 !
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