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Language > Thai
Category > Slang/Expressions

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I d like to improve my english
I d like to improve my english spanish french and japanese...I'm thai and I ve lived in italy for 4 years ...hopping there is someone can help me for these languages and i 'll help you for thai and italian..:)

Language pair: English; Thai
August 21, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: September 21, 2008
Re:ready to learn
Hi i wanna teach you Thai but you have to teach me English....OK?

Language pair: English; Thai
November 13, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 13, 2007
ready to learn
hey everyone!

i really need to find someone that is willing to teach me how to speak in thai. im an easy person to teach and i pick up on things really quick. if anyone can help please email me.... thank you so much.

Language pair: English; Thai
Jiovone S.
August 23, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 13, 2007
Re:Re:Re:why Bad Guys go to Pattaya???
Hi Thai lady

are you interested in learning korean language?

If yes contact me by writing here something for me to talk with.

sawadi krap?

Language pair: Thai; English
September 2, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 2, 2006
Looking for Thai in Singapore for language exchange.
I'm Singaporean, my name is William Soh.
I can speak Mandairn, English and looking for Thai nation willing to help me improve my Thai learning.

Language pair: Thai; 
William S.
May 8, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Need Spanish teacher!!!
Hola!! hi there,I really really want to learn Spanish,i mean i took class but it's only gramma class,if you know what i mean. I'm Thai girl..i could teach you some Thai if you want to..some slang?? or sweet words?? :D Anyway,i'm not a gold memeber so..i'm here waiting for you,OK?? plz. contact me THANKS!! :D

Language pair: Thai; Spanish
February 17, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:what does it mean?
thanks you guys for answered me--it is really nice and helpful to me

Language pair: Thai; English
WaSItTha O.
March 31, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 31, 2004
what does it mean?
i read the bucket comic on friday newspaper--the nation--there are something that i don't get it
dad said " i feel old" and make himself look really tired while he is playing basketball with his son
son said " well,duh!" and " i feel toby"
what is duh! and what i feel toby means?
thanks for helping :)

Language pair: Thai; English
WaSItTha O.
March 27, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 31, 2004
Just talked to someone in chat and he told me that my nickname "O" is the slang for opium... is it real??

Language pair: Thai; English
WaSItTha O.
January 13, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 19, 2004
Total found: 19 !
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