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Language > Italian
Category > Seeking Partners

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Re:Looking for people who can help me with my German and Spanish
I can help you with your spanish...

let me know..



Language pair: Italian; Spanish
June 24, 2014

# Msgs: 4
Latest: June 24, 2014
Looking for people who can help me with German and Italian
Hello everyone! I'm looking for someone who can help me practice my German and Italian. In exchange, I can help with English and Russian :)

Language pair: German; Italian
June 24, 2014

# Msgs: 1

hi everybody!!
Ciao a tutti!!
Mi piacerebbe trovare amici in particolare dalla Repubblica Ceca per imparare un po la lingua e avere consigli su cosa fare e vedere visto che ad agosto avrò il piacere di visitarla ;))

Saluti a tutti a presto.;)

Language pair: Italian; Czech
June 24, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Re:Mission Impossible !!!!!!!!!
Hello Angelo!
If I understand correctly you can not find anyone to contact you. I do not speak Italian very well. I can not send you a mail because I am not a gold member.
Non so se lei è membro d'oro.
Vi auguro una buona serata.

Language pair: English; Italian
Epa M.
June 16, 2014

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 5, 2014
Ищу партнера по языковому обмену
Здравствуйте. Я из России, мой родной язык русский. Я хочу выучить итальянский и испанский язык. Мой уровень только алфавит и еще я умею читать, всем желающим, кто хочет выучить русский язык, я помогу с удовольствием. Давайте общаться.

Language pair: Italian; Spanish
June 11, 2014

# Msgs: 1

French native looking for Italian & Mandarin courses (can teach French)
I am a French student. I speak English and Italian almost fluently. I am looking for an Italian speaking person with who I could exchange and speak.
I am also looking for Chinese Mandarin courses. My level is absolutely nothing except few lessons taken on the internet (and I don't remember half of it).
I can also give French courses and/or make conversations in French.

Je suis une étudiante française. Je parle anglais et italien presque courament. Je cherche une personne qui parle italien et avec qui je pourrait parler et échanger.
Je suis aussi à la recherche de cours de Mandarin. Mon niveau est absolument nul à part quelques cours pris sur internet (et dont je ne me rappelle pas la moitié).
Je peux également donner des cours et des conversations en Français.

Sono una studentessa francese. Parlo l'inglese et l'italiano quasi fluentemente. Cerco una persone che parla l'italiano e con chi pottrei parlare e scambiare.
Sono anche alla ricerca di corsi in cinese mandarino. Il mio livello è assolutamente nullo fuori di alcuni corsi imparati sul internet (di quelli non mi ricordo la metà.
Posso anche dare corsi e conversazioni in francese.

Language pair: English; Italian
Gaelle B.
June 10, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Mission Impossible !!!!!!!!!
How is hard to find peoples that really would exchange a language . First I continue please excuse me for my broken english .... but as said in the "subject" is pretty impossible to find someone that , seriously , want to help someone else . From my "gold member" day subscription , and everyday , I search peoples and send two , three or more emails and many "free hi" . Someone answer with a "free hi" but nothing else .... only silence . Until March I found only a person and , I'm feeling very happy with she , after ...... full empty .
My impression is that everyone is searching for somewhat else ... I don't know what . Maybe I must search for and advertiser that fill my profile with an handsome picture (but fake) and some jingle ....
My question is : have I bad luck or is quite normal what happen ? Maybe I'm too old (50 y.o.) and I've not the right to receive something ... BIG QUESTION !!!



Language pair: English; Italian
May 31, 2014

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 5, 2014
I'm searching for sb. who can help me to improve my italian :)
I can help you to learn or improve hungarian and french language

Language pair: Italian; 
May 27, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Re:Looking for language partner Italian for English
hi man u wilcome

Language pair: Italian; English
May 21, 2014

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 21, 2014
Looking for language partner Italian for English
There is someone that would learn italian in exchange of english?
I am a 26 years old guy from Rome.
I 'd like to improve my speaking and listening comprehension skills.

Language pair: Italian; English
May 19, 2014

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 21, 2014
Total found: 1148 !
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