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Language > Italian
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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how to say 'you are beautiful' to a guy in serbian
How can i say 'you are beautiful' and 'I miss you' to a guy in serbian??

Anyone wants to teach me Serbian and I can teach you English, Italian or maltese???

Language pair: English; Italian
Claudia A.
May 11, 2007

# Msgs: 1

need help
Hi guys can u help me impreve my italian and my english.my native language is arabic,so if u want i can help u too.

Language pair: Italian; English
March 29, 2007

# Msgs: 1

ciao Saverio
si tu veux moi je peux t'aider avec le francais et en echange tu me donnes un petit coup de main en italien
a tres bientot

Language pair: French; Italian
March 15, 2007

# Msgs: 1

je cherche un professeur
salut , je suis une petite francaise qui c'est lancé un nouveau défi : parler italien rapidement et je suis tres déterminée a apprendre mais aidez moi j'ai besoin d'un bon professeur , vous verrez je suis une bonne élève. J'aime beaicoup parler et découvrir de nouvelles culture , pourquoi pas me faire des nouveaux amis en Italie... contacter moi

Language pair: Italian; French
March 11, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Ciao. If you can help me with the hungarian I can help you with Italian. Ciao

Language pair: Hungarian; Italian
Roberto A.
March 7, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 7, 2007
Re:Re:Re:Beginner @ the Italian language
Ciao Caroline
I'd be very glad to help you.You can contact me at giacomo.tessaro at tele2 point it.If you can't contact me,write me on the bulletin.Ciao!

Language pair: English; Italian
Giacomo T.
March 7, 2007

# Msgs: 6
Latest: March 7, 2007
learn languages ( english,french,italian,portuguese......)
soy un chico de 20 años que debido a mi profesion (turismo) y a mi forma de pensar me gustaria mejorar y aprender diferentes idiomas; me ayudas? yo te puedo ayudar con tu español
I´m a 20 years old that with my job (tourism) and my ideology I´d like better and learn different laguages; would you like help me???

Language pair: English; Italian
March 6, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:Beginner @ the Italian language
For Szana Sylvia
Ciao,only today I've read your message,I'm not a Gold Member either,if you're still interested write me at giacomo.tessaro at tele2 point it.Ciao!

Language pair: English; Italian
Giacomo T.
March 4, 2007

# Msgs: 6
Latest: March 7, 2007
Re:Re:Re:Beginner @ the Italian language
Hi Sylvia,only today I've read your message.If you're still interested to the exchange contact me at giacomo.tessaro at tele2 point it.ciao.

Language pair: English; Italian
Giacomo T.
March 4, 2007

# Msgs: 6
Latest: March 7, 2007
Ciao tutti!

Vorrei studiare l'italiano. Ho cominciato studiare solo da settembre.
Purtroppo non sono a "gold member"!!!
Per favore, scrivano per me! :)


Language pair: Hungarian; Italian
Szana S.
February 25, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 7, 2007
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