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Hello, my name is Yanin, you need to study how do you speak spanish. Thr conjugation is a lot of difficult for americans, for example, you say :you are beautiful, you can say : tu ERES hermosa.The conjugation is: I=yo, You= tu, He=el, She, ella, it= eso, We= nootros, you= ustedes, they= ellos. When you use you, you say the verb with letter S al final. For example: You are my son= tu ERES mi hijo. This is present simple tense.

Language pair: Spanish; English
yanin s.
June 21, 2014

# Msgs: 12
Latest: March 18, 2016
Hello, my name is Yanin, you need to study how do you speak spanish. Thr conjugation is a lot of difficult for americans, for example, you say :you are beautiful, you can say : tu ERES hermosa.The conjugation is: I=yo, You= tu, He=el, She, ella, it= eso, We= nootros, you= ustedes, they= ellos. When you use you, you say the verb with letter S al final. For example: You are my son= tu ERES mi hijo. This is present simple tense.

Language pair: Spanish; English
yanin s.
June 21, 2014

# Msgs: 12
Latest: March 18, 2016
Hello, my name is Yanin, you need to study how do you speak spanish. Thr conjugation is a lot of difficult for americans, for example, you say :you are beautiful, you can say : tu ERES hermosa.The conjugation is: I=yo, You= tu, He=el, She, ella, it= eso, We= nootros, you= ustedes, they= ellos. When you use you, you say the verb with letter S al final. For example: You are my son= tu ERES mi hijo. This is present simple tense.

Language pair: Spanish; English
yanin s.
June 21, 2014

# Msgs: 12
Latest: March 18, 2016
Hello, my name is Yanin, you need to study how do you speak spanish. Thr conjugation is a lot of difficult for americans, for example, you say :you are beautiful, you can say : tu ERES hermosa.The conjugation is: I=yo, You= tu, He=el, She, ella, it= eso, We= nootros, you= ustedes, they= ellos. When you use you, you say the verb with letter S al final. For example: You are my son= tu ERES mi hijo. This is present simple tense.

Language pair: Russian; English
yanin s.
June 21, 2014

# Msgs: 12
Latest: March 18, 2016
Me encantaria aprender italiano e ingles

Language pair: English; Italian
Maia M.
June 19, 2014

# Msgs: 17
Latest: December 8, 2015
Re:Re:Re:Help please
i think we can help each other. how do i contact you?

Language pair: English; Macedonian
haroon d.
June 18, 2014

# Msgs: 5
Latest: August 8, 2014
Hi all! I'm from Bulgaria and looking for friends from South Korea, Asia and all over the world as well. I'll be glad if you write me! :)

Language pair: English; 
June 15, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Help please
Hello Natasha , if you are still here :) . I need to learn and improve my English . I can help you with Macedonian language.

Language pair: English; Macedonian
Marija G.
June 13, 2014

# Msgs: 5
Latest: August 8, 2014
in love with telugu
friends help me to learn telugu

Language pair: Tamil; English
June 12, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Hola soy Sonia y me encantaría mejorar mi inglés y ayudarte en todo lo que pueda para tú hablés bien español.

Language pair: Spanish; English
June 8, 2014

# Msgs: 12
Latest: March 18, 2016
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